Indian Inst. of Foreign Trade, Delhi (2016 - 17)

The IIFT process consists of a Written Ability Test, a case study based discussion and finally, a personal interview.
Feedback – Essay Writing (WAT)
Average Duration : 15 - 20 mins
Word Limit : 250-300 words
  • How can the internet help in boosting the Indian Economy?
  • By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail
  • Innovation in India
  • "The highest use of capital is not to make more money, but to make money do more for the betterment of life." – Henry Ford
  • Smart Cities
Feedback – Case Study based Discussion
Average Duration : 45 mins
IIFT's case study-based discussions were in a semi-structured manner, where around 10-12 candidates were provided a case and then were asked to speak individually on that topic for two minutes. Post that, the room was open for discussions for 15 minutes, and after that, student’s who could not sum up the discussion were asked to do so. (Please note: Not every case followed the same order, but broadly, this structure was followed)
Some case discussion scenarios:
  • Impact of Reliance Jio as it is providing high end technology to customers at free of cost
  • Can the world economy rely on India for growth?
  • Privatization of Healthcare: Boon or Bane
  • A case which had details about the four famous captions of the Indian Cricket Team- Kapil Dev, Sourav Ganguly, M.S Dhoni and Virat Kohli. We had to look at the data, indulge in a discussion and decide on who the best Indian cricket team captain was.
  • A scenario in which a certain detergent brand named Rose & Rose, was doing well in urban areas but was interested in capturing the rural market since it was growing at a much faster rate than the urban market. We were asked to discuss the strategies and steps that the brand could take.
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration : 20-25 mins
No. of Panelists : 3
Excerpts from Interview 1: Why MBA? Do you think Demonetization was implemented properly? Give your opinion on it. You studied Economics in Graduation , tell me a subject from where I can ask you Questions ? GDP approach used for calculation in INDIA? How bank defines their interest rates? In MBA , which branch would you like to go for? Why graduation from Open Distance Education? You did your graduation from Nalanda open university? What is difference between Nalanda Open University and Nalanda University?
Excerpts from Interview 2: Can you tell us something about yourself? So you have mentioned that you eventually want to ends up in the clean energy business. Why? Are you aware of this company called Tesla? Do you think Tesla cars environment friendly? Can you tell us about the science fiction novel that you are currently writing? How bad was demonetization for your business?
Excerpts from Interview 3: Introduce yourself? Your academic grades seem to be on a downward trajectory. Do you have anything to say about it? Tell us whether you think the present Indian government is predominantly capitalistic or socialistic in outlook. Why do you want to take up an MBA? Do you have any companies in mind that you would like to join after your course? Do you know where Unilever is headquartered? Do you know what trade deficit is? Does India have a negative or positive trade deficit? Why do you think it is this way? You’ve mentioned that you do content-writing and that you have your own blog. Can you tell us more about that? How about situations where people don’t agree with you? How do you deal with such situations? Can you give us an example of a situation like that?
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