Indian Inst. of Foreign Trade, Delhi (2014 - 15)

The process of selection at IIFT consists of an Essay Writing (WAT), Group Discussion and a Personal Interview.
Feedback - Group Discussion
Average Duration: 15 mins. (2 mins to think. 1 minute given to each participant to express his views one by one. A person who tried but was unable to express his views was given a chance to summarize)
No. of Panelists: 2
No. of Participants:: 12
  • Should politicians be given Padma Awards?
  • Rural placements of doctors should be compulsory or voluntary?
  • School children should be allowed to own and use mobile phones or not?
  • Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, more noise than action.
  • Should school hildren be allowed to use and own mobile phones.
Feedback- Essay Writing (WAT)
Average Duration : 20 mins.
Word limit : 300 words
  • What is the impact of reduction in oil prices in the global economy?
  • Relevance of UN in today’s world order?
  • India Villages – Emerging opportunities of economic development?
  • Incredible India: A push for the tourism industry in India
  • Persistence of food inflation in India.
  • Effect of fall in oil price on global economy
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration : 5-10 mins.
No. of Panelists : 3 (2 faculty and 1 alumnus)
  • Excerpts From Interview 1 : (A 98.5%ler in IIFT , last semester student of Computer Science Engineering from CCET, Chandigarh with a score of 66.3% in graduation, 74% in 12th and 92.8% in 10th). No question was asked from the form. He was the second last student to be interviewed and was made to feel comfortable. What is the difference you find between Chandigarh and Delhi? Why do you want to pursue MBA without work experience? Questions based on college projects. Questions based on Delhi elections. What is the difference between a cosmopolitan and a metropolitan.
  • Excerpts From Interview 2 : (A 99.5%ler in IIFT , last semester student of Computer Science Engineering from CCET, Chandigarh with a score of 73.7% in graduation, 84% in 12th and 94% in 10th). What does your father do? Questions asked from the business industry. Why do you want to do MBA after engineering? Why did you not study business after Class 12th? What field do you want to specialize in? (replied finance) Why did you not take up commerce after Class 12th?
  • Excerpts From Interview 3 : Why have you dropped a year? What has been your preparation? Questions on NITI ayog? Have you heard of Brenton Woods Institutions? Have you heard of IMF? What are its functions? Difference between IMF and World Bank? What is GDP and how is national income calculated? Why did you not extend your voluntary project to nearby areas? Other questions related to the same.
  • Excerpts From Interview 4 : So what does your father do? Where do you live, So you came to Delhi yesterday? Where are you putting up? Where's your college? Wasn't there some other college at its place? What's your favourite subject and what is its scope? Tell me the name of 3 companies that design semi-conductors. No company in India manufactures semi-conductors? So what does India export? Tell me specifically. So AAP won, imagine you were they. What 3 things would you do for Delhi? You write blogs, what kind of blogs? If you were to write an article on the AAP win, how would it start? You have a strange choice in novels. Why's 'For whom the bell tolls' one of your favourites? Who's the author? Have you read any other novel by him? You've played Basketball at state level, so you represented your state where? What's the height of the basket? What are the dimensions of the court? What's the 3 second rule? What's the rule in the D?
  • Excerpts From Interview 5 : Tell us about yourself. Why MBA? Why MBA from IIFT? What stream would you choose? Tell us about the courses that we offer. Full form of ASEAN and member countries. Trade partners of India. Where do you see yourself 5 years down the line.
  • Excerpts From Interview 6 : How was the GD? You could have talked about Dronacharya, Arjuna. So you are from Kolkata so your first preference must be Kolkata campus? Don’t you like new things like brand new cars, brand new clothing, similarly brand new campus? You must be the only one from Kolkata and not favoring it. Career objective? Why finance after engineering? Question on payment banks. If you are Arvind Panagaria of NITI ayog suggest two recommendations. Why finance and how will IIFT help value system of your life. Are these same when it comes to your professional life?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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