Indian Inst. of Foreign Trade, Delhi (2007 - 08)

The process of selection at IIFT consists of Group Discussions followed by Personal Interviews.
Feedback - Group Discussion
Average Duration : 60 minutes
No. of Panelists : 2
  • Changes in investment choices of Indian Middle Class
  • Rising crimes against women
  • Should ID Cards be made compulsory for citizens of India?
  • Will contract farming boost agricultural growth in India?
Feedback – Personal Interview
Average Duration : 15 minutes
No. of Panelists : 3
  • Excerpts From Interview 1 : Introduce yourself, followed by your strength and weaknesses. Justify your strengths.In what situations have your strengths benefitted you.Being a civil engineer why do you want to do MBA.'Jhansi' is in which state ? was asked particularly because of Bundelkhand.
  • Excerpts From Interview 2 : Introduce yourself/tell us something about yourself. A number of questions were asked on family business (pharmaceuticals).Why did you not do your B.E. in biotech? Which company do you admire the most? Which CEO do you admire the most? More stress was laid on my family background and family business and no major questions were asked on academics and other fields.
  • Excerpts From Interview 3 : Introduce yourself.Questions on academics (related to electronics).Questions on family business.Difference between export and import business.Questions on the book "World is Flat".Do you want to be an entrepreneur? Questions were also asked on exports, imports, derivatives, equities, repo rate etc.
Overall Feedback - PI
There were a fair mix of questions both from academics and extracurricular activities. There was no major focus on career goals and specializations in MBA. In case students belonged to a business background, in those cases there were a number of questions on family business. The group discussion was a long procedure and included a no. of stages
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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