Indian Inst. of Foreign Trade, Delhi (2015 - 16)

The process of selection at IIFT consists of an Essay Writing (WAT), Group Discussion and a Personal Interview.
Feedback – Essay Writing (WAT)
Average Duration : 20 mins
Word Limit : 250-300 words
  • Promoting tourism in India.
  • Developing an entrepreneurial ecosystem in India.
  • Ensuring gender diversity in Indian work force.
  • Making Indian Banking system more inclusive.
  • Concept of smart city
  • Promoting healthy eating habits in young children
Feedback – Group Discussion
Average Duration : 45 mins
  • Should there be exemptions in odd-even rule?
  • Do brands rule our lives?
  • Professional leagues are doing more harm to Indian sports than good. Should Government intervention in Indian education system be allowed?
  • Can the world economy bank upon India for growth?
  • Falling oil prices.
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration : 20-25 mins
No. of Panelists : 3
Excerpts from Interview 1 :  (10th – 85.2%, 12th – 84.4%, B Tech (Mechanical) – 73.27% IIFT – 96.33%ile) - Introduce yourself, Questions about the reasons of leaving National Defence Academy, Questions regarding aviation industry (mentioned aviation in CV as well as in introduction), Which is the 1st low cost airline of world, Does Lufthansa have a low cost wing, What is the number of international airlines in India, Why don't you join aviation sector as an engineer, Tell us one instance showing your strength, Tell us one instance showing your weakness, Name the all time best defenders of Indian football, Name the highest goal scorer of India .
Excerpts from Interview 2 : (BE-Chemical) - Why did you chose chemical engineering, Why MBA, I see both of your parents are in banking, have you ever considered joining it, What is RBI, What does it do, How does it control inflation, What is repo rate and reverse repo rate? What is CRR, What is the current problem banks are facing, What has RBI done to counter the rise in NPA’s, Name some other countries central banks, What is the difference between WTO and IMF, What are your Hobbies, Same companies offer same job, one in foreign and other in India, Which would you choose and why, Name some consulting companies you are aware of, Rank them according to revenue.
Excerpts from Interview 3 : (BE-Chemical) - Tell us about yourself, What does your name mean (it means to discuss or suggest something), What do you like to suggest or discuss, What are your weaknesses, What are you doing to improve on it, How are you adaptable, Give some instances, What is the difference between values and principles, Tell us some recent news on the world economy, What is TPP, Why MBA.
Excerpts from Interview 4 : What business does your father have, You took a drop after B.Tech to prepare for MBA, Why, Why did you shift to Meerut for 12th, Why low percentage in 12th, Rank India's major trade partners in decreasing order, Someone from UAE recently visited India, Who, What is sustainability and profitability (these words were used in the form), You conducted an anti-ragging seminar in college, how does the anti-ragging mechanism work in your college, Do you know what is TPP, What is NAFTA, Name the member countries.
Excerpts from Interview 5 : (BE-ECE, work ex)-Tell me something about yourself that is not given in the form, What does IIFT offer, How many campus does IIFT has, What's the batch size, So you are not confident that you will get through, Tell me about your work, Two learning from job, What is last mile connectivity, What are the challenges in this, What is the link between electronics and communication, What are your weaknesses, Any current weakness, You want to open your restaurant, How did that idea came up, What costs are involved, How much prices will you keep in your restaurant .
Excerpts from Interview 5 : Tell us about your final year project, Tell us about the organizations/committees you joined in college, Tell us about your long term entrepreneur aim, Tell us about some dog welfare organizations, Tell us about your strengths, How are you versatile, Differentiate between dynamic and versatility.
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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