Xavier Labour Relations Institute, Jamshedpur(2018-19)

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Process :
The process of selection at XLRI consists of WAT, Group Discussion and a Personal Interview.
Feedback - Group Discussion and WAT
Same topic is given for GD and WAT.
Group Discussion
No. of Participants: 10
Duration: 25-30 minutes
Written Ability Test (WAT)
Duration: 10-15 minutes
Word Limit: 1 side of sheet
  • To increase gender quality in society, there must be women quota for MBA programmes.
  • Celebrities set a bad example for the young generation when they flaunt their romantic relationships openly
  • Should people from military be given reservation in business schools?
  • Abortion should be banned. Even a mother has no right to kill her child.
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration: 10-25 minutes
No. of Panelists: 3
Excerpt from Interview 1-
Candidate Profile: BA, work experience
What is the economic difference between an IT and a Hotel Industry? What do you think of Reservation? What are your views on it? Is caste system good or bad? Which book introduced caste system? Which castes are Dalits included in? What happens in HR? Which sport are you interested in? (some questions on graduation subjects) What are you currently doing? Which books have you read in the past year?
Excerpt from Interview 2-
Candidate Profile: B.Tech (Chemical), Fresher
Summarise the major points of your GD. You talked about LGBT Community. Link that with the topic? What is the boundary to freedom of choice? If I like to do cocaine, because of my freedom can I do it? How is that different from LGBT in terms of freedom? Are you interested in politics? Which City are you from? (Candidate from Kolkata) What is the number of parliamentarians from Kolkata? What is the number of seats in Rajya Sabha? Why is Rajya Sabha called the upper house? What are your interests? (candidate mentioned TED Talks) Refer me a TED Talk from management.
Excerpt from Interview 3-
Candidate Profile: B.Tech (CSE), Work Experience of 20 months
Do you have a twin brother? Which company do you work for? (Questions about the company and current project, challenges faced from competitors, etc.) How will your current project help the company's business? So you are a Jain, do you know about the Tirthankaras? Do you know about a famous Jain Temple in Jharkhand? Should kids do long fasting? Why did you bring another perspective in your GD? Explain. (Some questions on academic subjects)
Excerpt from Interview 4-
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Candidate Profile: B.A. (Hons) Psychology, Fresher
Following your line of reasoning, we should legalize Marijuana and drugs too. What's your view on that? (Majority Questions regarding GD) So till what time is it okay to kill the child? Three months of pregnancy, just one day before pregnancy? On the day of delivery? What about the grandparents wishes? Why don't they have a say? If there is a tie of votes- two people want it, two don't? Who will have a greater say? Why? Specify which professional should be a part of it? A gynecologist? A physician? What qualifications? Enlist the stakeholders of this entire exercise of abortion legalization. Americans? What about Americans? You have included everybody but the unborn child. Isn't he/she a stakeholder? (Rest of the questions were asked on candidate’s research paper, the methodology used, its robustness and limitations.)
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