Xavier Labour Relations Institute, Jamshedpur

The process of selection at XLRI consists of Group Discussions and Personal Interviews.
Feedback- Group Discussion/Case Study
Average Duration: 30 min.
No. of Panelists: 3
No. of Participants: 9-10
Case Study - 8 points (prioritise)
  • A free hand to Ivy League colleges is the best way to shake up higher education in India.
  • Do small companies have more harmony?
  • Was AAP's success in Delhi a mere flash in the pan?
  • Should highly paid employees enjoy protection under labor laws?
Feedback- Personal Interview
Average Duration: 20-25 mins.
No. of Panelists: 3
  • Excerpts From Interview 1: (A 99.30% in XAT, graduation score 9.03 CGPA, 12th - 91.83%, 10th - 92.61% with 19 month work experience). What do you think about the GD? What do you think about upcoming budget? Don’t give a generic answer. Say something specific. So, are you a quizzer in general? You have such good academics and achievements. People like you should pursue MS. Why MBA? I know that you would have prepared an answer for this but we don’t want that. Give a proper answer. You did an internship at Malaysia, what all places did you visit? What did you do at your industrial intern that you mentioned before? Did you use Linear Programming? Didn't you do operations research at your college? Should I ask you a question from Biology? What is the difference between Binomial and Normal Distribution? What is Random variable?
  • Excerpts From Interview 2: (A 98.38% in XAT, 72.30% in ECE Engineering, 74.60% in 12th and 85.2% in 10th and 20 month work experience). Was it a part of your strategy to join an NGO and prepare so that you would get more time for your preparation? How your NGO experience was and what did you learn? I can make out from your answer that earlier you were not able to see things and now you do. Tell me something which you learnt in the NGO which won’t be applicable in competitive world. (Cross questioning). You talked about celebration of birthday parties of old people. So, what did you learn? What will the people of your current organization remember you for? You are poet. Can you write four lines on what happened today? We have so many pens in this room. Can you tell me the reason behind it? What do you do in your free time?
  • Excerpts From Interview 3: (A 96.45%iler in XAT with profile as 90.3% in Graduation, 91.83% in 12th and 92.61% in 10th). Why your engineering college is named what it is? Why not some other name? Which programs have you applied to? What is the difference between the two? If I give you a choice of distributing the 34 lakhs (approx cost for the global MBA) among poor people OR doing a Global MBA, what would you do? Why MBA? (Cross questioned) What do you do in your free time? Tell me some things you don't like. You have mentioned your internship in the assessment form quite a few times, is it lack of variety?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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