Xavier Labour Relations Institute, Jamshedpur

The process of selection at XLRI-BM consists of Personal Interview.
Feedback- Personal Interview
Average Duration: 15-20 mins.
No. of Panelists: 3
  • Excerpts From Interview 1(A consistent 70 % academic record throughout and work-ex as company secretary): What is schedule VI? What are the changes in schedule VI? Difference between current assets & fixed assets? Who is an NRI? What is the current status of European debt crisis? Where is the head office of European Union? Why CS, why not CA? What are your career ambitions?
  • Excerpts From Interview 2 (A fresher with falling trend of marks and interested in HR of XLRI): Your qualities suitable for HR? Tell us something about India-Pakistan relations? Who is the sports minister of India? Where does he belong to? Who is the PM of Pakistan? Cricket team of Pakistan (I do not follow cricket) Define criteria of selecting the Indian Cricket team Captain? (Put Virat Kohli and Dhoni in defined criterion and prove Dhoni to be better than Kohli? Carnot cycle? Law of thermodynamics? Your subjects in this semester? There is a project, you are a team of four, and one of you doesn't do his part but copies it from somewhere one hour before submission. Submission deadline cannot be extended. What will you do, submit it or report it?
  • Excerpts From Interview 3 (A B.Tech. ECE from Chandigarh with 80%+ academic score throughout and 30 months of work-ex): How is Chandigarh, as a place? Who heads the jurisdiction of Chandigarh? Is it a U.T. or a State? Speak something on" Democracy is bad for India". What do you mean by LED, LET T.V., and Plasma T.V.? Name some Electronic Companies manufacturing them? Where do these companies belong to? If you travel to Los Angles from Mumbai through sea route which ports will you pass through? Name any 5 ports of the world? Name any 5 ports of India?
  • Excerpts From Interview 4 (A fresher B.Tech. ECE from Chandigarh with 80%+ academic score throughout): Introduce yourself? Compare the cars which you own (Santro and Dzire). Tell us something about your mobile handset? What does the coolant do in an engine? Why MBA? Tell us some new technologies in electronics? What was the last article you read in economic times and you were not able to understand? (An article by Philip Kotler) Who is he?
  • Excerpts From Interview 5 (A B.E. Aeronautical Engineer with falling trend of marks and 12 months of work-ex): How is Chandigarh as a place? Who is the mayor of Chandigarh? What is its population and the number of sectors? What is your family business? (Manufacturing) Who are your competitors? What is the turnover of your company? How does the budget affect you? What projects you did you take up in B.E.? What are your hobbies? (playing guitar) What have you done professionally with this hobby of yours?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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