Xavier Labour Relations Institute, Jamshedpur (2019-20)

Process :
The final process of selection at XLRI consists of WAT, Group Discussion and a Personal Interview. Before this, the shortlisted candidates have to give an Asynchronous Online/Video Interview.
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Feedback - Asynchronous pre-final Interview
Each candidate got a different set of around 10 pre-recorded questions that were primarily behavioural/personality/situation-based in nature.
Duration of each question: 60 seconds to think, 150 seconds to respond/record answer.
Total Duration: 25-30 minutes
Some of the Questions that featured in video interviews of candidates:
  • One instance where someone couldn't deliver as they committed and how it affected your productivity and how you tackled it.
  • One example where you were under extreme pressure and you had to focus on the work.
  • One example where you had to take up a work which you were not prepared for and what were your 5 key learning points from them.
  • One instance where you worked with the team and how did you contribute to the team (mostly cultural aspect).
  • One instance where one of your close friends/relatives was going through a tough time emotionally and what you did about it.
  • Volunteering work you did recently and how it felt, how people reacted/
  • Tell about Manager/ teacher who has inspired you and is your role model.
  • One time you feel you achieved great efficiency. How can you bring that to routine life?
  • If you were forced to do a task you are not interested in, would you do it efficiently?
  • Describe an incident where you did a lot of paper work? What did you do to keep them in the order?
  • Which subject in your graduation (recent education) did you enjoy and learn from, the most and why?
Feedback - Group Discussion & WAT
Same topic is given for GD and WAT.
Group Discussion
No. of Participants: 10
Duration: 25-30 minutes
Written Ability Test (WAT)
Duration: 10 minutes
Word Limit: None
  • Industrialization should not come at the cost of human rights.
  • Companies which don’t layoff/fire employees are much better for the economy in the long-term than those that do.
  • The growth of a country gets hindered by powerful trade/labour unions.
  • Indian Media Circus is running after breaking news because audience likes it.
  • Should organisations do away with hierarchy?
  • Networking is more important than academics to succeed in life.
  • Nature is the longest surviving and most sustainable business enterprise.
  • Is preservation of culture justifiable in a society trying to outgrow its past?
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration: 15-25 minutes
No. of Panelists: 3
Excerpt from Interview 1-
Candidate Profile: B.Tech (Mechanical Engineer), Work experience of 1+ year
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So, why were you late today? Do you study there? So, you stayed with your friend? What calls do you have other than XLRI? Why did you leave your job? Can you tell me what the topic for GD is? (questions related to topic) Is it about the media circus or media circus on breaking news? Do you think the discussion was justified? Is viral news is the only breaking news? Tell me one unethical thing you've done and regretted it. Suppose you are a manager of a team of 10 including you. Of them, 7 are performing well, but the other two, who are your good friends, are not performing well due to some problems in their families. It is affecting the productivity of remaining 7. How will you handle this situation? It is very personal for him and you can do nothing even after knowing it. Then how will you react? What if the other guys complain you about him? What if this condition continues even after a year? Tell me one new skill you've acquired during your last 6 months.
Excerpt from Interview 2-
Candidate Profile: B.Tech (CSE), Work Experience in Financial sector
So, you're working at an investment bank, what division are you in? What is the definition of HNI? How many Indian clients do you have? (some specific questions on the same) You're working with database. What are you doing exactly? What is a data warehouse? What are data mining techniques? What's the algorithm called? Explain. What is the difference between algorithm and heuristic? Give examples of both.  What is Djikstra and a star? How are the weights of the graph decided? Which stock gave you loss? Why does that policy exist? you mentioned that IPR is your favourite subject, explain difference between patent and copyright using something on this table. Where do you file a patent? What’s the website? Explain patent application process. (some cross questioning).
Excerpt from Interview 3-
Candidate Profile: B.Tech
Tell me about yourself. Tell me about your family background. Which subject you liked most in graduation? What is the difference between AI and ML? (some Application-based questions of AI and ML in different industries) How would you handle/better prepare something like the Coronavirus outbreak damaging your supply chain? (e.g. Tesla case) What are your hobbies? Why MBA? What are your back-up plans? How was your GD? Justify why you couldn’t perform well in GD?
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