S.P. Jain Institute Of Management and Research, Mumbai (2018-19)

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The selection process at SP Jain consists of WAT (Essay writing) followed by Psychometric/Personality test, which is further followed by two Group Interviews.
Feedback - WAT
Word Limit: 250-300 words 
  • Is climate change real? Express your views.
  • How would you prioritize your tasks when you have a lot of workload? Give examples.
  •  Is #MeToo movement a passing fad? 
  • Who is better, a person with breadth of knowledge or depth of knowledge?
Feedback - Personality Test
Two set of questions under titles: Group 1, Group 2
Total 20 questions based on basic behaviour, response, and thinking process related questions. Candidates are required to decide the option for each question (very rarely, seldom, moderately, often, very likely). The selected option needs to be justified and describe it in 4-5 lines - for any 3 questions from group 1 and any 3 questions from group 2.
(30 minutes allotted for WAT and Personality Test together)
Feedback - Personal Interview
Group interviews are conducted in two rounds, second one being an HR interview.
Average duration for each group interview: 15-20 minutes
No. of Panelists: 2-3
Excerpt from Interview 1-
Candidate Profile: B.Tech (Mechanical), Fresher
Group interview 1: Have you had your breakfast? Let's begin and start introducing yourself in a brief. Include why you want pursue MBA in respective field and also give any one favourite subject. Since you mentioned Supply Chain as your field of interest. Do you know Kaizen? Can you please explain a situation where Kaizen cannot be applied? So, supply chain guy, tell me what do you think? Can you explain any concept other than Kaizen prevalent and currently employed by industries? You have mentioned Patriotic Singing competition as one of your achievements. Why so? So, you are a patriotic songs singer or a normal singer? Do you know about FDI in e-commerce and other such government regulations? What are the benefits of LHC (large hadron collider)? So, I can see that you are a fresher. Don't you feel you are at a disadvantage in terms of exposure and experience when it comes to work-ex people?
Group interview 2: What are your short-term and long-term career goals? What would be your advice in choosing (a) Dating (b) Live in relationship (c) Marriage; to your cousin who has come to you for consultation? Will your family accept? What is the difference between 'Solitude' and 'Loneliness'? Explain it in some context. (Some questions asked about the ethical stand candidate took during his role as a member of core committee in college fest.)
Excerpt from Interview 2-
Candidate Profile: B.Tech (Mechanical), Fresher
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Group interview 1: Let's begin with a short introduction. Please restrict your response to 1 minute. What is the meaning of GMBH? Tell me is it so that only German companies can have GMBH? What is your dream company in marketing? But why does a guy like you want to sell soaps? Isn't it a waste of your talents? Do you have any questions for us?
Group interview 2: When did you all reach the campus? Did you have lunch? What have you been told by your seniors and friends regarding this round? Why SPJIMR? Why do you think we have Abhyuday in our curriculum? Is it right that government is forcing companies to carry out CSR? Do you believe in Fate and Destiny? You have written in your test that you give extreme reactions? Explain. Do you have any questions for us?
Excerpt from Interview 3-
Candidate Profile: B.Tech, Work Experience of 20 Months in HUL
Group interview 1: Introduce yourself. Ok, so you are working in which division, PP or DETS? Your unit handles Shampoo and what else? Who do you report to? So, what brand is manufactured in your unit? So, what do you do? What projects do you drive? What is 6 Sigma? What is the defect level? And what is it at your unit? Which company has a 4 Sigma level? What is Muda, Muri and Mura? How do you do Muda Muri Analysis? What are VA and NVA? Explain Gantt Chart and SMED. How does your plant do SMED?
Group interview 2: Please introduce yourself, but not the way how you did in GI 1, or how it was thought in your Coaching classes. Please tell us about yourself as a person. Only if you show your anger, you can get your work done. Don’t you agree? Okay, guys, all of you want to be CEOs in the future. What do you think is hindering you to be a good manager? Elaborate. Why do you procrastinate? Is it because you don’t like the job? Ok, so what do you do in that free time? So, what do you watch in Youtube? Okay, name one motivational movie which you suggest we all must watch? Why do you suggest that movie? Do you have any other calls?
Okay, first situation, assume you all are a HOD of a college, and the rules say that you should not consume alcohol. A bright Student, who has the potential of making your institute proud, was found intoxicated by the college security. This news has spread to the entire college. She says that someone forced her to consume alcohol, but there is no authentic proof. What will you do? Send her away as per the rules, or give a light warning?
Second situation: Assume you are a doctor in Ireland, where the rules say you should not do an abortion. There is a lady who requires an abortion immediately, only then can she be saved. So, what will you do? Break the rules & save her life, or Stick to the rules and let her die?
Okay, we are done, any questions?

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