S.P. Jain Institute Of Management and Research, Mumbai

The process of selection at S.P. Jain consists of a Essay and Psychometric Test followed by one and two group Interviews.
Feedback- Psychometric Test
Average Duration: 10 mins.
No. of Questions: 20-30
No. of Sections: 3 (10 Q. each)
  • Ethics & Values, Career Goals, extrovert nature.
Feedback- Essay Writing
Average Duration: 20-30 mins.
Word Limit: 300 words
  • What goals have you achieved in the last year?
  • Online learning is more efficient than traditional learning. Your views?
  • What is your biggest regret in life?
  • Describe a tricky situation for which you found a simple solution.
Feedback- Personal Interview
Average Duration: 30 min.
No. of Panelists: 2-3
  • Excerpts from Interview 1: (A 95.7%iler in CAT currently working as a Manager in power sector with M. Tech in Mechanical. 74% in Graduation. 84.6% in 12th and 85.6% in 10th.)
    ROUND 1: Introduce yourself (one to one). Work profile based questions. Subject knowledge based questions from mechanical engineering. How would you sell this candy? (to others who had opted for Marketing). What are your strengths and weaknesses? (asked to justify each and cross questioned)
    ROUND 2:Questions asked about college? What were your significant achievements in college? Given a Maths question and asked to solve it. Justify low grades in graduation. Justify 3 months gap in work experience. Work and profile based questions. Why have you chosen operations? Who is the power minister of the country? Who controls the allocation of power in Punjab? Who controls coal allocation in Punjab? Why did you choose your current company? How is your current work profile different from the previous one?
  • Excerpts from Interview 2: (A 96.05%iler in CAT with B.tech in IT (9.27 CGPA), 76% in 12th and 86.83 in 10th). ROUND 1: Introduce yourself (2 mins). What field of specialization have you selected and why? Questions based on field of specialization chosen. Is market research important before product launch? How did Steve Jobs succeed without any market research? Justify the 7 month gap after engineering.
  • Excerpts From Interview 3: (A candidate with 98.98%iler with 75.8% in graduation, 85.4% in 12% and 89.2% in 10th with 18 yrs experience in Infosys).
    ROUND 1: Introduce yourself. What are your long term goals? What are your skills and accomplishments? Questions on job profile. Those who had opted for Marketing were asked to sell a product
    ROUND 2: What values does SP Jain look for in candidates? A girl was asked to write these qualities down on the white board and was asked to conduct the interview. She asked questions on ethics, any sticky situation that you might have faced, how did you handle it? She was asked to rank other candidates based on their responses. Then the candidate who got last rank was asked to do the same, ask questions, any out of the box thing that you have done, how do you handle criticism etc.
  • Excerpts from Interview 4: (A 97.7%iler in CAT with 49.92 in IIFT with CGPA (8.73) in Aerospace Engineering in 12th 83.2% and 10th – 91.7%).
    ROUND 1: Everyone was asked to introduce themselves in 1 min, citing achievements and ambitions. General questions on profile and achievements. A discussion on state of sanitation in India and how it can be improved and made cheaper. (10-15 mins) Recent economic developments
    ROUND 2: A very general discussion on the profile and hobbies and how they relate to management. A case-study on what a company should do to increase productivity. Why MBA, which specialization and post MBA companies.
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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