S.P. Jain Institute Of Management and Research, Mumbai

The process of selection at S.P. Jain consists of a Psychometric Test followed by two group Interviews with the first one being eliminatory in nature.
Feedback - Psychometric Test
Average Duration : 15 mins.
No. of Panelists : 1
Instruction: No reinserting.
Firstly  20  yes or no questions were given such as :  Are you a team leader ?  Do you take initiatives etc.
Then  30 Questions were given followed by two options. Students had to choose one option and write justification for the choice. Further 5 sections on ethics and values etc were given followed by different answer options to choose from.
Feedback - Group Interview
Average Duration :30 mins. each with first being elimination round
No. of Panelists : 3
No. of Participants : 6-8
  • Excerpts From Interview 1: (A candidate with 95 CAT percentile having 10th - 92.2%, 12th - 92.8% and B.Tech Mechanical - 9.33 CGPA and working at his own family business). Why don't you go for our family business program? What exactly is your profile in your business? What is the biggest problem you have faced so far in your business? How did you tackle it? How big is your business? Which export markets are you targeting? What ideas will you suggest to control corruption in our country?
  • Excerpts From Interview 2: (A 92.53 CAT percentiler having 10th - 96.2%, 12th - 91.4% and graduation-9.9 CGPA . Got profile based call, works with an NGO for underprivileged children and is a national level basketball player). Introduce yourself in one minute. What exactly your NGO does? Who started it? How you started it? How many children have you helped so far? How will you expand it? Can other people give suggestions to improve your NGO? Who is your favorite basketball player? Who is better as per you, the one with MBA degree or the one who starts his own business from home without any formal degree? Which is your favorite Basketball team?
  • Excerpts From Interview 3: (A 97.43 XAT percentiler with 96.8% - 10th, 91.6% in 12th and 78% in B. Com. honors and many prizes in essay writing). Introduce yourself. Why MBA? Why MBA in the specialization you have chosen. What does recovery of diesel price means and how does it influence the country? Define the structure of the essay and how do you write? What are your views on girl's education and how parents influence affects child's education? Introduce yourself in 60 seconds. Why have all the engineers in the group chosen finance? Quote three instances from the recent past on the national or the international levels that had ethical issues related to finance.
  • Excerpts From Interview 4: (A candidate with 10th - 94.5%, 12th - 92.6% and B.Tech. in ECE – 9.42 CGPA). Tell us something about yourself. Give one situation where you had to stick to your values. Is there something we can learn from Lance Armstrong? Why Marketing. What is the difference between sales and marketing? Give an example of good and bad marketing. What are the difficulties you have faced in life till date? What is the rural Population in India? Justify your answers written in the psychometric test. Why our college?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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