National Institute of Industrial Engineering (2016 - 17)

The process of selection at NITIE consists of Group Discussion followed by Personal Interview.
Feedback – Group Discussion (GD)
Average Duration: 45 min
  • Should public sector be privatized?
  • Should Yoga be made compulsory in schools?
  • Do we really need Smart Cities?
  • Cricket matches with DRS technology - Pros & Cons
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration: 20-25 mins
No. of Panelists: 3
  • Excerpts from Interview 1: Introduce yourself, Do you play cricket, Tell us about family business, Do you help your father, I think to run a business what you need is only money not PGDM, what do you think, Is anybody doing business in your family an MBA, Do you remember your B.Tech subjects, How a rotor rotates, Who is your Role Model, Why you want to pursue MBA.
  • Excerpts from Interview 2: Tell me about your hometown/upbringing/family, What are the seasons in a year in India, What is Acid rain, How does it affect, What are the impacts, How is acid rain related to green house effect, Explain with physics, Discussion on budget, Discussion on the extracurricular activities in college, What other calls you have.
  • Excerpts from Interview 3: Tell us about yourself, What was your college's motto, For how many months did you work at your last company, Why did you leave, What are your future plans after doing MBA, What other calls do you have and which one will you chose, What was your major project about, Did you had any other project as well, Explain your project work, Where did you do your summer internship(s), Explain the working of a microwave oven, Why NITIE, Have you applied for both the courses, Have you gone through the academic structure of both the courses.
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