National Institute of Industrial Engineering (2014 - 15)

The process of selection at NITIE consists of Group Discussions followed by Personal Interview.
Feedback- Group Discussion
Average Duration: 15-20 mins.
No. of Panelists: 4-8
No. of Participants: 10
  • Whistle Blowers are disloyal agents.
  • Is inclusive development a myth in India?
  • Should organizations hire for attitude and train for skills.
Feedback- Personal Interview
Average Duration: 15-20 mins.
No. of Panelists: 2
  • Excerpts from Interview 1: (A BE in ECE with 64% in Graduation 78% in 12th and 89% in 10th and work experience of 3.5 years in CISCO). Why did you leave job? What is MH-370? What are the problems faced in grafting? Which newspaper do you read?
  • Excerpts from Interview 2: (A 97.68%iler in CAT with academic profile as 80.5% in Graduation, 87% in 12th and 83.2% in 10th and 10 months experience in Signode India Ltd). Introduce yourself. What do you do at signode?  So, have you done any innovation in that till now? Why NITIE? What do you know about operations? How SCM can help in Food Bill? In what profile you would work in your company after studying here? What is Need Satisfaction Selling?
  • Excerpts from Interview 3: Explain Demand pull Inflation. Go draw a Demand curve. What is GDP? What are the components of GDP? What is GNP? Difference between the two? What are fiscal and monetary policies and the difference between the two? What is Money Supply?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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