National Institute of Industrial Engineering (2011 - 12)

The process of selection at NITIE consists of Group Discussion followed by Personal Interview.
Feedback- Group Discussion
Average Duration : 10-15 mins.
No. of Panelists: 4
No. of Participants: 10
  • The role of NGOs in environment preservation
  • Should MBA colleges stop placements all together and Encourage Entrepreneurship?
  • Do we need to preserve the Indian Culture?
  • If winning is not everything then what is it?
Feedback-Personal Interview
Average Duration :  15 mins.
No. of Panelists: 4
  • Excerpts From Interview 1 (A 97.3 CAT percentiler B. Tech. ECE and academics as 10th- 72%, 12th- 78% and Engineering- 67.1% and 2 years of work-ex as a consultant and also as System Engineer at Infosys): What was your job profile? What was your role in the organization? Which projects you have worked on? Which technology were your projects based on? Who were your clients? What was your final year project? What were the businesses of your client? How much time did you need to understand your client's business? What was your contribution in these projects?
  • Excerpts From Interview 2 (A 78.8 CAT percentiler B. Tech. CSE and academics as 10th- 86%, 12th- 81% and Engineering- 62.4%, no work-ex and knows Kathak): You had economics as one of your subject in 2nd semester, tell us about Economics? What is Purchasing Power parity? Tell us some Mudras in Kathak as it is one of your hobby? What is the difference between Kuchipudi and Kathak? What is artificial intelligence? Where are neural Networks applicable?
  • Excerpts From Interview 3 (A 88.4 CAT percentiler B. Tech. CSE and academics as 10th- 89%, 12th- 82% and Engineering- 64%, no work-ex ,certified Kathak dancer and did final year project in fingerprint recognition):What's your final year project? Is it in "MAT LAB" ? Are government jobs better than private jobs? What is distributed computing? How does it differfrom Cloud Computing? How does Kathak vary from other dance forms? Don't you think you should focus on activities apart from Kathak? Why MBA? What are your career plans?
  • Excerpts From Interview 4 (A 95.7 CAT percentiler B. Tech. IT and declining trend in academics lowest being 73% and no work-ex):What is your favourite subject? What is OOPS? What is encapsulation? What is cloud computing? What do you think is the future of mobiles in India? Tell us about the evolution of mobile phones in India?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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