National Institute of Industrial Engineering (2018 - 19)

The process of selection at NITIE consists of Group Discussion followed by Personal Interview.
Feedback- Group Discussion
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Duration: 2 minutes to think, 10-15 minutes to discuss, 2 minutes for conclusion
 No. of participants: 8-15
  • Is bullet train really needed in India?
  • Indians perform better individually than in groups.
  • Is IPL a waste of time and money?
  • Recent bank scams and reason for it- is fragile system or political blessing?
  • Is what India need is dictatorship?
  • Social media- boon or bane?
  • Demonetization- Was it a success or failure?
Feedback - Personal Interview
Duration: 10-15 minutes
No. of Panelists: 2-4
Excerpt from Interview 1-
Candidate Profile: B.Tech (Mechanical), Work Experience
Introduce yourself. What is your work profile? (a few specific questions on work profile) Why NITIE? Who is your role model? So, what is your long term goal? What is entropy? And what is enthalpy? So, tell me what is Stefan-Boltzmann constant? (some basic questions from academic subjects)
Excerpt from Interview 2-
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Candidate Profile: B.Tech (CSE), Fresher
Tell me about yourself. Why NITIE? Tell us about your final year project. (questions from academic subjects) Why PGDISEM after Computer Science, that too without work-ex? (technical questions including the one which they told to draw on whiteboard, questions related to cloud computing, etc.) Differentiate cloud and on-premise system. What was your final semester project about? What did you do in your summer internship? What are your extra curriculars?
Excerpt from Interview 3-
Candidate Profile: B.Tech (Mechanical), Fresher
Introduce yourself. Are you placed in any company? What made you to choose NITIE? What was your final year project? (specific questions on the project) What is BEP? Explain briefly about SCM. What is Marginal cost? How is Benchmarking done? According to you, which is better- Delphi technique or Consumer survey? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What other calls do you have?
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