Institute of Management and Technology Ghaziabad (2016 - 17)

The process of selection at IMT consists of a Case study based Group Discussion, Group Exercise and Personal Interview.
Feedback- Group Discussion with case study
Average Duration: 10 mins.
No. of Panelists: 2
  • Developing countries need more trade than aid
  • Write for or against demonetization in 300-400 words. Give 5 arguments.
  • Management skills taught in class can never match those gained by experience.
Feedback- Group Exercise
Average Duration: 10 mins.
  • Plan a campaign for reducing water wastage and proper management in a college
  • Design a poster to promote the college canteen's new method to introduce fast delivery options.
  • Create a poster with punch line for a product to reach masses
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration: 15-20 mins
No. of Panelists: 2
Excerpts from Interview 1: Tell us 2 good & 2 negative qualities, Introduce yourself in 1 line, What is the worth of your work experience, Where do you see yourself after 5 years, Don’t give me a coaching institute answer, What are your future plans, Do you want to speak on anything more that you could have added in GE, Which newspaper do you read, Questions about Hindu-which party does it support, etc.
Excerpts from Interview 2: Discussion on final year project, Co curricular activities, Why MBA, Strengths and weaknesses, Long term goals, Why IMT, What other calls you have.
Excerpts from Interview 3: Introduce yourself, Questions about internships, why MBA, What are your long term goals, why IMT, What are your hobbies, What are your strengths and weaknesses, What are you doing to overcome them, Which all calls do you have, What are your strengths and weaknesses, Do you read the paper, What is in the news.
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