Institute of Management and Technology Ghaziabad (2019-20)

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The process of selection at IMT consists of a Group Exercise and Personal Interview.
Feedback - Group Exercise
Duration: 30 minutes
No. of participants: 10-13
In GE, candidates were given a few chart papers, sketch pens, and other stationery. Candidates were gathered around a long table and asked to come out with solution. Some of the cases given in GE are as follows:
  • Prepare a poster/chart on spreading awareness and impacts of social media trolls these days.
  • 5 people (a doctor, an engineer, an advocate, a dancer, and a banker) get lost in a forest. Who among them should lead the team?
  • You are PR manager of a beauty company which tests it products on animals. The local NGO is against your acts. What steps will you take to maintain the clean image of your company?
  • Make a campaign/poster on education for disabled children.
  • Stubble burning in the states of Punjab and Haryana is causing air pollution in Delhi. Suggest some innovative measures that would help the government and the people for the same.
  • Do a campaign to include the remaining 75% of the disabled children in education. Currently, only 25% of them are attending schools.
  • Suggest ways to improve government services for the differently abled.
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration: 7-15 minutes
No. of Panelists: 2-3
Excerpt from Interview 1-
Candidate Profile: B.Tech, Fresher
Introduce yourself. Tell us about your educational and family background. What are your long-term goals? Why are you switching from B.Tech to MBA? Where do you see yourself 5 years down the lane? What's your plan for start up in 20 years? What is more important in your idea? Break-even or ROI? Why being an entrepreneur than being a working professional? Why not any online course than MBA? If you had a chance to become an actor or a politician; which one would you choose?
Excerpt from Interview 2-
Candidate Profile: B.Tech (Mathematics and Computing), Fresher
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Introduce yourself. What are your future career goals? Why MBA? Why IMT? Which other calls do you have? Why marketing? What's the parent company of Bingo? of Paper Boat? Was the Uber strategy for Uber Eats good or bad? What is traveling salesman problem? Rate yourself in GE. Name a few famous Indian business personalities. Name 3 top Indian companies. (A few questions related to candidate’s hometown) What is Moore’s Law? What is EBITDA? Do you know about Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission?
Excerpt from Interview 3-
Candidate Profile: B.Tech, Fresher
Tell us something about yourself. What specialization you’d opt for? How did you prepare for the interview? So, what have you read recently in current affairs, news? So you’ve read about the budget? What’s DDT? What was mentioned regarding it in the budget? You’re from Mumbai right? Tell us how many lines (railway) are there in Mumbai and where do they start and end? Who was Shivaji? Who was Shivaji’s son? Who were the Peshwas? Tell us about any famous personality that you follow or your role model. Why? Any other famous personality from the Indian business scenario or any great Bollywood actor. Why? We’re only left with Business analytics and operations for you. Which one you’d choose? Or would you go for some other college?
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