International Management Institute, Delhi (2016 - 17)

The selection process at IMI consists of Essay Writing (WAT), Psychometric Test, Extempore and Personal Interview.
Feedback – Essay Writing (WAT)
Average Duration: 20 min.
Word Limit: 250-300 words
  • Independence of Judiciary is the need of the hour
  • Who is responsible for poor performance of India in Olympics?
  • Euthanasia
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration: 20-25 min
No. of Panelists: 2
  • Excerpts from Interview 1: Tell us about yourself, Why don’t you get some experience first and then go for MBA, Are you placed, Why MBA, Difference between sales and marketing, Questions on hometown, Few Academic questions, Sell a pen, Do you read the paper, Which newspaper do your read, Who is the editor of that paper, What is in the news today, Any business news that you follow, Your views.
  • Excerpts from Interview 2: What does your name mean, Tell us about your family business, What is the difference between vision and mission, What is your vision, Why MBA, How will it help you with your family business, Why don’t you continue with that and learn from experience, Name some eastern states, Some academic questions on commerce.
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