International Management Institute, Delhi (2015 - 16)

The selection process at IMI consists of Essay Writing (WAT), Psychometric Test, Extempore and Personal Interview.
Feedback – Essay Writing (WAT)
Average Duration : 20 min.
Word Limit : 250-300 words
  • Do celebrities have more freedom of speech than common man?
  • Women empowerment: myth or reality
  • Falling oil prices: boon or bane for Indian economy
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration : 20-25 min
No. of Panelists : 2
Excerpts from Interview 1 : Tell us about yourself, Discussion on family background, GK questions, Academic questions, What are your hobbies, What are your strengths and weaknesses, What are you doing to overcome them, Which calls do you have, Which college do you prefer, Do you read the paper, What is in the news, Any business news that you follow.
Excerpts from Interview 2 :  Introduce yourself, What are your hobbies, Which is the last book that you read, Do you remember any lines from the book, Which is your favorite author and why, Discussion on IPL, Why MBA, Which stream would you opt for and why, Do you read newspapers, Tell us 3 headlines from yesterday's news.
Excerpts from Interview 3 : Introduce yourself, Where have you worked before, Tell us about your job profile, Tell us about one challenging situation which you have faced, Which all calls do you have, Which college do you prefer,Justify your low score in graduation, Academic based questions, Why MBA, Why IMI.
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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