The process of selection at IIM S consists of a Case Study discussion and a Personal Interview.
Feedback - Case Study discussion
Duration: 3 minutes to read, 10 minutes to discuss
No. of participants: 8-9
- A driver with 15-year work experience and good behavior was promoted as a personal driver of Managing director of a large public sector company. On a day, after a long tiring trip, he took the vehicle to his own house rather than parking it at the office, which was against office norms. On that very day, he killed an 8-year-old girl who was crossing road hastily. The driver tried to save that girl but it all happened so quickly, that he could not save her. He was taken to custody but was later released from the law of land due to lack of enough evidence. Now you are managing director of the company. Decide what course of action you would take keeping that fact that taking office vehicle to home was against company’s rules and regulations?
- Case based on the course of action for a company’s management so as to remain in the same market or diversify into another (with some other constructs)
- Case regarding a company dilemma. What should production manager do to increase productivity? Few constraints were imposed.
- Case based on an ethical dilemma about whether a person can share a software he uses as a part of his job to his friend who will benefit by using the software.

Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration: 20-25 minutes
No. of Panelists: 2
Excerpt from Interview 1-
Candidate Profile: Work Experience of 8 Months (T. I. M. E. Institute)
How are you? You are from Banaras Hindu University. What’s it called in Hindi? What is the difference between Kashi and Banaras? Do you follow recent news? What sort of news do you keep an eye on? Tell me something that happened recently. During the last terror attack, there were talks about India withdrawing MFN status from Pakistan but didn't take it. What's your say in it? Heard anything about the Indigo issue that's currently in the news? Karnataka is in news recently. Why? What are the major political parties in Karnataka? Major political parties in TN? What is AIADMK? Name the politicians that died in the last 2 years in TN and difference between them. Difference between regional and national parties? Which of these parties are national and which are regional? BSP, Trinamool Congress, AIDMK?. What is the difference between NDA and UPA? What does it consist of? Apart from being a hill station, what is Shillong for? Why the name Meghalaya? Famous tribes in that region? You took political science in 4th semester? What did you study over there? What have you studied in probability? What are the types of distribution? Explain Bernoulli trial? How can we say that trials are independent? Find probability (Given a question based on dice) What did you study in operation research? What is linear programming? What is a transport problem? Is transport problem a type of linear programming? Pen down the structure of Linear programming model. What is a feasible solution? What is the basic feasible solution? What is the optimum solution?
IIM Shillong - Interview Experiences
Excerpt from Interview 2-
Candidate Profile: Work Experience at Ernst and Young
How are you doing today? Are you from Delhi itself? Tell us what do you do at Ernst and Young? Tell me a recent report that you have sent out. So do you have economics background? Coming to extracurriculars, you debate? (Questions asked on the research, types of hypothesis, and research methodology, research models, theories of General Psychology - (candidate’s academics) What are the applications of your degree in the work you currently do? Tell us five learnings from my corporate experience.
Excerpt from Interview 3-
Candidate Profile: B.Tech (IT), Work Experience of 5 months at Deloitte Consulting
What is OPEC? Which countries are part of it and what is their role? What is the impact of OPEC’s actions on India? How is inflation calculated? (some basic questions about work experience) Do you know about South China Sea dispute? Which countries are involved in the South China Sea dispute and why? Do you know about Nirav Modi’s business? What are Letters of Understanding and Letters of Credit? Who is the Chairman of Tata Sons? Who was the Chairman before Ratan Tata? To which Group Cyrus Mistry belongs? Relation between Tata Sons and Shapoor Pallonji Group? Who is the CEO of Infosys? Who is the Union Aviation Minister? Name the ruling party of Rajasthan and the Chief Minister. Why Ashok Gehlot over Sachin Pilot? Do you know About Derek O’Brien? What are the functions of MODEM and why the name? What are Dialup connections and the speed? Difference between Microprocessor and Microcontroller? What is 6-sigma and the number of defects allowed in it? What is 3-sigma and the number of defects allowed in it? Example of 6-sigma in India? Example of 6-sigma outside India? What are Normal forms and why normalization? Which normal form gives the maximum speed? From when do you follow Cricket? What was the target in the famous NatWest Trophy match between India and England? What was the controversy in the same match? Did Ganguly face any charge for it? When was the first IPL match held? Who scored the maximum runs in that match and how many?
Excerpt from Interview 4-
Candidate Profile: B.Tech (CSE), Work Experience of almost a year
Do you follow news? Tell me some recent news from Karnataka. Do you know about bilateral treaty signed between India and Bangladesh four months ago? Tell how the interim budget has affected the corporate world both industry and employees. How has GST affected manufacturing sector in India? How has it affected the business of the industry? (some technical questions asked on candidate’s current project) So in companies like yours where the headquarters is in some other country, what are the challenges that employees in India face? What is the difference between C++ and C#? What is garbage collection? (some questions asked from academic subjects)