Indian Institute of Management, Shillong (2015 - 16)

The process of selection at IIM S consists of an Essay Writing (WAT and a Personal Interview.
Feedback – Essay Writing (WAT)
Average Duration: 20 min
Word Limit: 150 words
  • Business of a business is Business.
  • It's smart to be a little dumb.
  • Short prayers reach heaven
  • Deal gently with the bird, if you want to catch.
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration: 20-25 mins
No. of Panelists: 3
Excerpts from Interview 1 - How are doing, Introduce yourself, Tell us something current incidents which are happenings in Haryana, Questions related to academic background, Opinions on current matters like beef ban ,liquor ban in Gujarat, Some questions related to cricket, Discussion on hobbies.
Excerpts from Interview 2 - (BE Chemical)-Tell us about yourself, Discussion on the organization worked with in college, How does the NGO you are associated with work, Hobbies – travelling, cricket, Where have you travelled, Give the full form of PETA, Name the organization related to dogs with which Maneka Gandhi is associated, What is a catalyst, Does it just accelerate or decelerate the rate too, Give an example of a catalyst, Opinion on euthanasia for dogs, Have you used an induction stove, State the principle it works on, Discussion on happenings in and around, Criticize Rahul Gandhi.
Excerpts from Interview 3 - (BE Metallurgy)-You have written team building and management as one of your strengths, explain few traits that you have to support this, What is your best time in solving Rubik’s cube, What is the world record and how will you improve on your current timing, Compare Nikon and Canon and their respective origin places, What else do you do in spare time, Draw an iron carbon diagram, What is the scenario of alloy steel in comparison to magnesia and aluminum as applicable to automobile industries, Tell me something about Jharkhand.
Excerpts from Interview 4 - Introduce yourself, Tell about the projects and trainings that you undertook during graduation, What did you learn from them, What is the probability that the bottle lying on the table will fall, How do you determine the maxima and minima of a quadratic equation, Explain bayes theorem, What are your hobbies, How many stamps have you collected and of which countries, What do you know about the US presidential elections, What is Zika virus, Why MBA.
Excerpts from Interview 5 - (BE Chemical)-What is CSR, What % is mandatory in India, Compare Niti Aayog and Planning Commission, State 4 laws of thermodynamics and give their equations, Draw the Process Flow Diagram of sewage plant, Compare Petrol and Diesel, What is your opinion on Odd Even Scheme, Would it affect traffic , What is the cause of pollutantion in Delhi, Give the sources of pollution, , What is the function of RBI.
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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