Indian Institute of Management, Shillong (2012 - 13)

The process of selection at IIM-Shillong includes an Essay and a Group Discussion on the same topic followed by a Personnel Interview.
Feedback - Essay + Group Discussion
Average Duration: 10 mins (Essay writing) + 15 mins. (Group Discussion)
No. of Panelists : 3
No. of Participants: 8-11
  • Students were asked to evaluate the case of a successful bakery shop, which received a big order from an international bakery company, 'The Cake International'. Data on the bakery shop's profit and losses along with other information was provided. Students were asked to give their advice on whether the bakery shop should go ahead with the Cake International's proposal or not.
  • A company wanted to reduce its labor cost, so it moved to a new place where it acquired cheap fresh talent. In this process the company's supplier lost 18% of its employees to this company. What should the company do, move back and incur losses, or stay there with new employees and suffer supply shortage because of migration.
  • Which is more important: experience or talent of the youth?
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration : 20-25 mins.
No. of Panelists : 3(1-Current affairs,1-Academics,1-Ethical questions)
  • Excerpts From Interview 1: (A candidate with 93.68 CAT percentile with 10th -89.2%, 12th -90.4% and B. Com. Economic honors – 82.28% and 1year finance experience at Earnest and Young). What was your job profile? Why did you leave the job? How did you manage conflicts at work? What are your views on ethics in business? If you know companies projections for the next 5 years, what will be the first thing you will do? What is payback period? What are methods of capital budgeting? Name three govt. schemes related to child, healthcare and women? Explain the uses of mean, median and mode?
  • Excerpts From Interview 2: (A candidate with 92.53 CAT percentile having 10th -96.2%, 12th- 91.4% and B.Tech Biotech -9.9 CGPA. Started an NGO for underprivileged children and is a national level basketball player). Tell us about VVIP chopper scam? If you were the defense minister, what would you have done? Should we scrap the deal or not? How exactly your NGO works? What is your height? What is the difference between slam dunk and three pointer? Do you know anything about the human genome project? How has human genome project benefitted humans so far?
  • Excerpts From Interview 3: (A candidate with 98.2 CAT percentile with 10th -94.5%, 12th-92.6% and B.Tech. in ECE – 9.42CGPA and interest in movie making). What do you understand by repo rate? What happened in Egypt last year? What is the controversy with Vishwaroopam? Quadri is leading a protest in Pakistan, what is happening there? Who gave hate speech at Andhra Pradesh? Recently after Afzal Guru was executed, a leader in Kashmir shared stage with a Lashkar-e-Taiba leader; what was the controversy all about? What is the difference between end fire array and broad site array? What is skip distance? What are omni directional and unidirectional antennas, give examples? 2014 elections are coming, choose one leader as PM. If you are a company would you like to work under a democratic leader or an autocratic leader?
  • Excerpts From Interview 4: (A candidate with 95 CAT percentile having 10th -92.2%, 12th- 92.8% and B.Tech Mechanical- 9.33 CGPA and working at his own family business). What do you expect from the Union budget? What is fiscal deficit? Why has gold import been decreased? Who won the Nobel Prize from neighboring country this year? What is the turnover of your family business and how much profit do you earn per month? What is the monthly production of your company? Suppose your company can book an order only if bribe is paid, will you do that? How much tax do you pay? What are various income tax slabs? What is TIN no. and TAN no.?
  • Excerpts From Interview 5: (A candidate with 97.27 CAT percentile having 10th -86.8%, 12th- 66.2% and B.A- 71.04%). Tell us something about yourself. What did you study in organisational psychology? Explain Maslow's theory of motivation? How will you use the hierarchy table in organisational set up? If you have to characterise people according to this theory how will you do that. There is a decrease of 20% percent in your 12th;why is that? What is median? What is Standard deviation? Draw a graph for x=y. What is the slope of this graph? Have you studied law? Do you read? Do you read newspapers?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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