Indian Institute of Management, Shillong (2011 - 12)

The process of selection at IIM Shillong includes an Essay writing, Group Discussion on the same topic and Personnel Interview
Feedback - Group Discussion
Average Duration : 25 mins.
No. of Panelists : 3
No. of Participants : 8-10
  • Arabic Prison system vs. Indian Prison system
  • Being agriculture minister of India what will you do to regulate onion prices?
  • Recently MPss were given 50k Rupees to buy tabs and digitize work. Is the hard earned money of Indian taxpayers being misused?
  • Subsidy on LPG should be removed
Feedback Personal Interview
Average Duration : 20-25 mins.
No. of Panelists : 3
  • Excerpts From Interview 1 (A 95 percentile CAT scorer BBA student with consistent academic above 80% and no work ex) : Tell about your course curriculum? What is the practical application of marketing? What is Standard deviation? Give us a business plan to establish a hotel in your city? How is Dehradun as a place? Tell us about Bhakra Nangal Dam? What is the contribution of Henry Fayol to management?
  • Excerpts From Interview 2 (A 97 percentile CAT scorer B. Tech. CSE student hailing from Himachal Pradesh with sharp decline in academic records and no work-ex) : What are the various power projects in H.P., their capacity and what is its impact on locals? What is the impact of hydro projects on wildlife, forests, ethics and development? Why majorly hydro projects and why not other projects? How will you make a project related to computers? What is SAP? Tell us about the latest happenings in Iran?
  • Excerpts From Interview 3 (A 96 percentile CAT scorer B. Tech. ECE student with rising trend in academics and a 14 months of work-ex with IBM) : What was your role at IBM? What is the role of Assosiate System Engineer? Tell us about SAP, ERP? What is the difference between Electrical switch and Electronic Switch? Tell us about Punjab? Who is the CM of Punjab? Tell us about Punjab's Elections? From where does Mr. Badal contest elections? Name 3 people of Punjab who have contributed to the state?What is ethics? You book 1 ticket in railways to travel for an interview but the ticket is not confirmed and you have to board a train. Will you offer Rupees 200 to T.T. or stand in general boogie or miss the interview?
  • Excerpts From Interview 4 (A 95.42 percentile CAT scorer B. Tech. IT student with consistent academics and above 90% throughout) : Introduce yourself? Tell us something about Chandigarh? What is the current status of agriculture in Punjab? How was green revolution carried out in Punjab? Tell us about your college curriculum? How did you benefit from Engineering?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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