Indian Institute of Management, Shillong (2010 - 11)

The process of selection at IIM S consists of a Case Study followed by a Personal Interview.
Feedback - Case Study
Average Duration : 20 mins for discussion and 3 mins for written summary.
  • A case about a civil officer in a north eastern state who is very honest and is known for his integrity. He has more enemies than friends. Son–in-law wants him to use his position to win him a tender of 2 lack computers for stategovernment or else he will commit suicide touse his position to win him a tender of 2 lacs computers for state government or else he will commit suicide. Students had to discuss the case and suggest a solution.
  • A manager of a company producing toxic material has received a notice from nearby people that the company ispolluting environment. So either they should shift there company or should adopt eco friendly methods.
  • A guy is unemployed. Decides to start a BPO. He almost clears all the hurdles but struck with OS installation in computers. He doesn't have any capital left. The Bank is unwilling to give loans. What should he do?
  • The Tribals at Andaman are facing certain problems. The authorities are to decide between losing revenue and protecting the Tribals.
  • Case related to Student Council starting a Stationery store within campus to benefit the students. They purchase at wholesale prices and sell at rates cheaper than outside market. They gain handsome 10% profit margin. They plan 2 take up loan and expand their services to people staying in the nearby area too. However, few days later they face opposition from a group of students, claiming that the council have greater interests and are corrupt. What should thestudent council do?
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration : 15-20 mins.
No. of Panelists : 2
  • Excerpts From Interview 1 : Tell me about your family background and about yourself. What are your hobbies? (Mobile repairing).So can you show how you open a mobile and how you repair it? Take this mobile and do it? So you have worked with NSS. What is it? What did you do in NSS? When was it founded? Difference between CDMA/GSM? What is the frequency of mobile? Do you have any corruption related awareness? Tell something about Bofors scam? What are your views on Adarsh society scam? What is the biggest problem being faced by the country according to you? What is demographic dividend?
  • Excerpts From Interview 2 : Which TV series are you watching these days?(hobby). What events will occur if this scenario was a reality? Do you watch only animation? What kind of books do you read? What is govt. doing to alleviate poverty? Give me 2 instances where you have witnessed corruption first hand? Have you ever been to a village? Which crops are grown in your village? Do you think subsidy on electricity and fertilizers is justified? What should government do about it? What is moving target indicator radar? You don't seem to remember anything from engineering?(candidate answered- digital design was my favorite sub). Draw a schematic diagram of a flip-flop? Why did you scoreless in 10+2 and first year of engineering?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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