T. A. Pai Management Institute

The process of selection at TAPMI consists of Group Discussions, Essay Writing followed by Personal Interviews.
Feedback - Group Discussion
Time Duration: 15 mins.
No. of participants: 10-12
  • Should women be in the Defence field?
  • Women empowerment is the cause for increase in the divorce rate in India
  • If men are from Mars and Women are from Venus, then what are we doing on earth?
  • Indian Economy an old bottle without wine.
  • Are Somalia pirates international terrorists?
Feedback - Essay Writing
Average Duration: 8-10 mins.
  • Autobiography of a Video Cassette Recorder
  • Students had to write on a picture of people holding banners of save water and save reservoir
  • You are an associate banker and the accountant did some mistake. How would explain the situation to the Branch manager when he comes back from vacation?
  • A picture of emissions from factories was given-an essay was to be written on it.
  • Given a picture with a Lalu Prasad caricature... "I am a buffoon”
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration: 10-12 mins.
No. of Panelists: 3
  • Excerpts From Interview 1: Kindly introduce yourself. Why you want to do MBA? You seem to be a fan of cricket, think as if you are a speaker and give a speech on cricket. We are not impressed, at least speak for 10 to 15 mins you are such a big fan? Why Tapmi, it's so far off? Why not any college in north side? Which sports personality you like the most? Which accounting principle do we follow? (commerce background). What are you short term goals? Where do you see yourself after 5 years?
  • Excerpts From Interview 2: Tell me something about yourself. Which stream in MBA? Why Marketing? Why you want to join Tapmi? Estimate your expenses in Tapmi? What was your role in company? Why are you leaving your job? As a leader of a company what you will prefer? Should India go for an autocratic leader or should we remain democratic? Why? Any question you want to ask?
  • Excerpts From Interview 3: Tell me something about yourself. Why MBA? Why Tapmi inspite of so many other calls? Explain few principles of management? (commerce background). What is COGS? Tell something about depreciation frauds Will you be interested in other courses like health care and IB? Draw demand curve. Why it slopes downward?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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