Tata Inst. of Social Sciences

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The selection process at TISS consists of written ability test (WAT) followed by personal interview.
Feedback - Written Ability Test (WAT)
Average Duration: 30 min
  • Right to livelihood or child labor?
  • Influence of media
  • Will mobile banking replace branch banking and internet banking?
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration: 10-15 min
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No. of Panelists: 3
  • Excerpts From Interview 1- Tell me about yourself, Which University have you studied from, You are from Delhi, Tell the names of two houses of Indian Parliament, Tell the names of heads of both the houses and their designation, You are working you must have knowledge about HR functions, There are different channels of recruitment, suppose you recruited few people from one particular channel, tell me TWO METRICS to judge performance of the channel, What do you think of Skill India, Discussion on service based economy, Make in India and Skill India are great initiatives, What do you think of TISS, Leave HR what about other courses, Have you heard the term Marginalization, Do you know marginal sections of society, Name two of them, This is it. Looking towards others? Do you have any questions?
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