Tata Inst. of Social Sciences

The process of selection at TISS consists of a Case Study/Group Discussion or Essay Writing for some courses followed by Personal Interview.
Feedback- Case Study/ Group Discussion
Average Duration: 15 mins.
No. of Panelists: 2
No. of Participants: 8-10
  • Privatization of higher education.
  • Entrepreneurship for the poor. Is it a choice or force on them?
  • Gross national happiness - Not the true measure of happiness?
Feedback- Essay Writing
Average Duration: 45 mins.
Words: 1000-1500
  • Clinical establishments in 2010.
  • Whether the health policy is evidence based.
  • Pvt. Health insurance in India – Advantage and Disadvantage.
  • Primary healthcare is more specialty care in India.
Feedback- Personal Interview
Average Duration: 15-30 mins
No. of Panelists: 3
  • Excerpts from Interview 1: (A 58 TISS test score with graduation in BDS and an internship of 1 year with academic profile as graduation 63.7%, 84.3% in 12th and 89.6% in 10th). Tell me something about yourself, which you have not mentioned in your biographical sketch. (cross questioning). What is social entrepreneurship? Why social entrepreneurship? Why photography? Do you have any achievements in photography? Why did you quit your job? Have you been associated with any social cause? How will you manage the course fee? Do you have any plans for setting up your own business? Who is the social entrepreneur you idolize?
  • Excerpts from Interview 2: (A candidate with a score of 64 in TISS with B.Tech in CSE and work experience of 5 years with academic profile as 83% in graduation, 80.8% in 12th, 82% in 10th). So what did you do at work? Who is your company’s biggest competitor? What is the market share of your company? What do you do in your free time? Why the shift to HR?
  • Excerpts from Interview 3:(76 Score in TISSNET) Why HR? Made me assume I was the HR manager of a company so what all should I do so as to stop people from switching to other companies. Questions on hobbies. Questions on work ex…. profile, responsibilities. What were the challenges you faced at work?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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