Institute of Rural Management Anand (2015 - 16)

The selection process at IRMA consists of a Group Discussion, a case study followed by Personal Interview.
Feedback – Group Discussion (GD)
Average Duration: 10-12 min
  • Relevance of family run business
  • National Rural Employment scheme is good for the country.
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration: 15-20 mins
No. of Panelists : 2
Excerpts from Interview 1 : (10th-92%, 12th- 91.2%, Grad -Economics (Hons)- 72.6%)-What made you choose economics as specialization, give us an example of using economics in business, Try to be more specific, Why don't you go for masters in economics, Tell us about your strengths and weakness, Do you know about Google Glass, Are you planning to buy or would like to buy any gadget, Suppose you are a dell sales agent and you have been given the task of selling those laptops in your college, How many laptops will you be able to sell, Why IRMA, Why MBA?
Excerpts from Interview 2 : Tell me something about yourself, What is the biggest challenge that lies in front of TCS, Why does it pay less to its employees especially freshers, Describe your work profile, What are the cement quality testing parameters, Which one is the most important, What parameters are monitored in cement manufacturing, What is the temperature inside a cement kiln, What is the difference between POP and cement (Chemistry, properties and economy wise), Tell about your final year B.Tech Project, Why not PGDISEM, Have you studied any HR subjects in Engineering, Why IRMA, Why MBA?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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