Institute of Rural Management Anand (2012 - 13)

The process of selection at IRMA consists of a Group Discussion,a Group Task followed by Personal Interview.Students were asked to arrive a day before and spend one night at the campus, interact with seniors and visit the campus.
Feedback - Group Discussion On Case Study
Average Duration : 20 mins.
No. of Panelists : 2
No. of Participants: 10-15
  • A  not for profit hospital was started up by 5 entrepreneurs at a dalit area. They were not able to raise money for the hospital.Come out with ways to finance the hospital.
  • Discuss the influence of western companies on Indian culture.
  • A hard working employee takes holiday without  the  permission of his manager and his salary for that day is deducted . He quits his job after this. Discuss what should have been the possible ways to tackle this.
  • President of a company POLARAC was to be selected from the list of 5 candidates whose educational background and work-experience was given to the students. Students were asked to select the president from the given list of candidates.Individual presentation was to be given for 2 mins.
Feedback - Group Task
Average Duration : 20 mins.
No. of Participants : 10-15
  • Select the three most important social evils afflicting India out of caste system,corruption, child labor, increasing nationalism, hoarding of goods and black marketing.
  • Select the three most important recommendations to improve India's economy from the following list: increase in IIP, increase in agriculture production, change in political order and control of population.
  • Prioritize out of 9 given ways to use an unutilized land: health center, research center for land research, children recreational park, rehabilitation center, distribute 1 acre to each people of BPL family, nursery for plantation and pollution control, co-operative bank and coaching institute for underprivileged.
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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