Institute of Rural Management Anand (2013 - 14)

The process of selection at IRMA consists of a Group Discussion, a case study followed by Personal Interview.
Feedback- Group Discussion On Case Study
Average Duration : 10-12 mins.
No. of Panelists : 2
No. of Participants : 9-10
  • Women preference should be there or not.
  • 4 People for POLRAC company. There profiles were given. Who would you here and why?
  • Feminism – Position of women in Indian society.
Feedback- Group Activity and Case Study
Average Duration : 15 mins. (5 Min. to Read, 2 Min. to Presentation)
No. of Participants : 10-15
  • Considering the economic condition of India what economic reforms should be embarked upon by the new govt. – ten point list given – Make a preference order – Justify your first preference.
  • A board member of an elite group is to be chosen. The profile of 5 people is given. Who would you choose and why?
  • If people agree on different people you are expected to debate and reach concensus.
Feedback- Personal Interview
Average Duration: 15-20 mins.
No. of Panelists: 2
  • Excerpts From Interview 1 : (A candidate with a score of 16 in IRMA exam with B.Tech background with academic profile as 70% in Graduation, 62% in 12th and 70% in 10th). Why rural management? Hobbies: Football Players – International scenarios? How does it fits into your future plans. Dairy Tech, cows. Tell us something about your field, Dairy Technology. What is the name of the curved of the low that is most famous in Gujarat?
  • Excerpts From Interview 2 : (A candidate with IRMA score of 97 (ISC+CAT) with academic profile as 84.3% in Bio Technology, 87% in 12th and 82% in 10th). Introduction, family, state, city. Why is your city planned and beautiful? History? Long term and short term plans. Where do you see yourself after 10 years? Biotech – How is biotech going to help you in becoming a manager in the rural sector? City in Punjab having environmental issue (Ludhiana)? How will you resolve? Biotech Invention – (i) Agricultural (ii) Health care. How will you use inventions in these above two mentioned sectors to bring about changes in the rural sector?
  • Excerpts from Interview 3 : Introduce Yourself? Why IRMA? Do you have any prior experience of working in a rural sector? Can you speak Hindi fluently? How do you see yourself in line with this course? Do you have any idea of the job roles offered after PRM at IRMA? How do you rate us as interviewers?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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