Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (2009 - 10)

The selection process at IIM A consists of an Essay followed by a Personal Interview.
Feedback – Essay
  • India v/s Bharat- a divided nation.
  • FDIs in Educational Institutes.
  • Layoffs can give a new direction.
  • India needs US in the present times.
  • Asian Union- is it possible?
  • Red vs. Blue
Feedback- Personal Interview
Average Duration: 15-20 mins.
No. of Panelists: 3
  • Excerpts From Interview 1: What does Sushant mean? (candidate's name was Sushant) There is an ocean whose name is similar in meaning to Sushant. (candidate said Prashant) So what does Prashant mean? Can you tell me what the rivers around Surat are? (candidate was from Surat) Where do they originate? Can you tell me names of some rivers which sink in Arabian Sea and some which sink in Bay of Bengal? So where do the north Indian rivers like Satluj, Beas etc sink? Where does Ganga sink? Did you write CAT earlier? So did you see an improvement? Are you in favor of introducing more IIMs/IITs? What had you read last? Who can win the booker? Any other literary award? What is a sine wave? Actually sine wave is theta on x-axis, what is the case in AC signal? What is DC? Draw it. What is the difference between the use of AC and DC motor? Asked him to pick up a toffee. (There was Alpenliebe and Chlormint)
  • Excerpts From Interview 2: What is the meaning of your name? Meaning of your father's name? Tell us the history of Nagpur (candidate belonged to Nagpur) Do you watch cricket? Which cricket format do you watch - T-20, ODI or Test? How are players valued in T-20? Any parameters? Did West Indies come in the subcontinent in the past year? You're an electrical engineer. What is SyQuest plot? What is input output in a radio system? But output is sound? How can you divide it? Can you tell me what is Bode plot? You are into final stage of CA? That means you wasted one engineering seat. How many attempts at CAT did you take? Will you join your father's firm? How is this MBA going to help you? What is your core competency? You like to work-out right? Body building and all? Tell us some Indians who're into body building. Tell us some Olympics, asiads ? Do you read too?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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