Goa Institute of Management, Goa (2016 - 17)

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The process of selection at GIM consists of a GD and Essay, followed by a Personal Interview.
Feedback- Group Discussion
Average Duration: 10-15 min.
No. of Panelists: 2-3
No. of Participants: 15
  • India is less vulnerable to economic recession.
  • Should Pakistani artists be thrown out of India?
  • Celebrity Brand Endorsement: Effective Advertising?
Feedback- Essay Writing
Average Duration: 7-15 min.
Topics: Same as that of the GD
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Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration: 30-35 mins.
No. of Panelists: 2
Excerpts from Interview1: Tell me something about yourself, Why MBA, What are your hobbies, Job related questions, Strengths and weaknesses, What other colleges are you targeting.
Excerpts from Interview2: Tell me something about yourself, What is the corporate governance issue in Infosys, Why does it pay less to its employees especially freshers, Describe your work profile, What are the cement quality testing parameters, Which one is the most important, What parameters are monitored in cement manufacturing, Tell about your final year B.Tech Project, Have you studied any HR subjects in Engineering.
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