Goa Institute of Management, Goa (2019-20)

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The process of selection at GIM consists of a GD and WAT, followed by a Personal Interview.
Feedback - Group Discussion and WAT
Duration for GD: 10-20 minutes
No. of participants: 10-12
Each candidate has to give an opening remark for 25-30 seconds. Then the discussion is open to all for 10-15 minutes. Finally, each candidates needs to make a conclusive statement for 25-30 seconds.
Duration for WAT: 5-10 minutes
Word Limit for WAT: A4 size unruled paper
Same topic is given for GD and WAT.
  • Social media: A boon or bane?
  • Do other sports in India get the same importance as Cricket?
  • Importance of diversity in workplace
Feedback - Personal Interview
Duration: 15-25 minutes
No. of panelists: 2
Excerpt from Interview 1-
Candidate Profile: Commerce background
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Introduce yourself. Which other calls do you have? So will you join that college if you get selected? What is the role of economics in MBA? So what do you know about financial management, business statistics, and international business?  (Questions asked based 4-5 financial terms) What are your hobbies? (specific questions asked related to hobbies/interests and corresponding current affairs) Any questions for us?
Excerpt from Interview 2-
Candidate Profile: Work experience of few months
Tell us about yourself. Tell me about your final year project. Why did you pick IoT related project? What is your work profile? So, you have knowledge of stock market? (many questions asked related to stock market). Why BFSI? Why GIM? What is the current scenario of YES bank? How do you think Coronavirus will affect economy? Do you want us ask us anything?
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