
The process of selection at SIBM consists of a Group Discussion, Extempore and Personal Interview.
Feedback- Group Discussion
Average Duration : 15 mins.
No. of Panelists:3
No. of Participants:10-15
  • Hockey or cricket, which should be our national game?
  • Have coaching institutes become essential?
  • Stay hungry, stay foolish
  • India's biggest threat - corruption, terrorism or China?
  • Are reality shows real?
  • If you want to sing, you can always find a song.
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration : 15 mins.
No. of Panelists: 3
  • Excerpts From Interview 1(A 42 months work-ex with a reputed Pharmaceutical company; with interest in marketing and a falling trend in academics): Extempore : Future of India lies in the rural segment. Choose between Ranbaxy and CIPLA. After MBA would you like to go back to Pharmaceuticals? Why not a career in R&D? What are your views on acquisition of Ranbaxy by Daicihi? How would you convert people into clients if you are not getting leads? Tell us something about marketing?
  • Excerpts From Interview 2 (A B.A. English honors 81% scorer without work-ex and 76% 12th and 94% 10th with good communication skills and keen interest in HR and personal mail id stating Extempore: The two pens in my pocket. What is awesome about you? Rate yourself in the GD and explain why? Why drop in 12th after 10th? Why HR?
  • Excerpts From Interview 3 (A B.E. Chemical student with a downward academic score from 10th till 12th and did a project in water footprints): Extempore : New inventions in technology and media are hampering our education system. Tell me something about yourself? What was your project all about? What is the practical application of water footprints? How is fluid flow used in real life? Which book did your read recently? Tell us about the book, the characters and description. Which movie you saw lately? Tell us about the plot of the movie? If a movie is made on you in 2050 what would its name be and summarize the story of the movie? Why don't you go for M. Tech.?
  • Excerpts From Interview 4 (A B.A. English student with a downward academic score from 10th till graduation): Extempore: To be or not to be. Introduce yourself. Why MBA? Difference between Manager and Leader? What do you understand by ethics? What will you do with your subordinate who is not performing well? Tell us About Julius Caesar?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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