
The selection process at SIBM B consists of Group Discussion, Extempore and Personal Interview.
Feedback – Group Discussion (GD)
Average time: 15 mins
No. of Participants: 10-12
  • Environment - What man is doing to Nature
  • Discrimination in the society
  • Odd Even
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration: 15 mins
No. of Panelists: 3
Excerpts from Interview 1 - Which city are you from, Why MBA, How will it help your career, How will you link digitalization and smart cities, What are your strengths, Discussion on smart cities, Why MBA, Why SIBM Bangalore, Discussion on hobbies.
Excerpts from Interview 2 - Introduce yourself, Why MBA, Justify your low academic performance, What is GDP, What measures has government taken to enhance the GDP rate, Academic questions, Discussion on strengths and weaknesses.
Excerpts from Interview 3 - Describe yourself in 1 minute, What will be the last line of your autobiography, What are your long term goals, Academic Questions( related to economics ), What are today’s headlines, Do you have any questions.
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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