Indian Inst. of Technology, Roorkee

The process of selection at IIT Roorkee consists of a Group Discussion and a Personal Interview.
Feedback - Group Discussion
Average Duration : 10 mins. (2 min to think, 6 min to discuss, 2 min to write the summary)
No. of Panelists : 6
No. of Participants : 6
(Many a times groups were asked to chose one topic out of the many given).
  • Nice guys finish last.
  • How to stop women harassment at workplaces.
  • A soldier should not die for his country.
  • Is boom in IT boon or bane?
  • How to boost R&D in India?
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration : 10 mins
No. of Panelists : 4
  • Excerpts From Interview 1 : (A 97.16 CAT percentiler with 10th -92%, 12th-88.6% and B.E. Electrical and Electronics -78.6%). Introduce yourself. Which is the DIAC? What is Half-splitting? If the resistance in a circuit with constant voltage increases, what happens to current? What are your hobbies? What did you learn by participating in different events? Why MBA after engineering? Who is the governor of your state? Tell us about your qualities. Which specialization you want to pursue? Why do not you go for M.Tech?
  • Excerpts From Interview 2 : (A 97.97 CAT percentiler with 89% in 10th, 86% in 12th and 76.52% in B.E. IT). Tell me something about yourself. Tell us about your internship and the project. What do you know about cloud computing? What are neural networks? How is it related to Artificial Intelligence? What are your hobbies? Talk about any article that you have read about recently? All three were marketing related articles, you have interest in marketing? What is the difference between needs, wants and demands?
  • Excerpts From Interview 3 : (A 96.14 CAT percentiler with 81% in 10th, 84.6% in 12th and 75.54% in B.Tech. ECE and 7 months work experience in an IT company). Tell me something about yourself. What are your strengths? What was your work profile? What were your responsibilities? What is Young's Modulus? What is Chromatography? What is PVC? What was your final year project? How did you program it? What is its use? Why didn't you find buyers for your project? What was your job profile? How will you protect you network from threats? What is hacking? What are different ways of protecting your company from external threats? What are different types of networks? What are threats to a wireless network?
  • Excerpts From Interview 4 : (A 90.07 CAT percentiler with 88.2% in 10th, 81.8% in 12th and 6.77% in B.Tech. CSE and 41 months of work experience in IT). Introduce yourself. Why you want to pursue MBA? Why do you want to leave your job? What have you learnt in your job? What value addition will you do to our college? If you think you are already a good manager then why MBA? How is a leader different from a manager? Which specialization you want to pursue? How would you justify your interest in this?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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