Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai (2011 - 12)

The process of selection at IIT MUMBAI consists of a Discussion on the Case provided followed by Personal Interview
Feedback - Case Study
Average Duration : 5 mins. to read case and 15 mins. for actual discussion.
No. of Panelists : 4 which includes alumni and people from industry.
No. of Participants : 15
  • A young diploma graduate is employed with a team of old time employees. He is perturbed by their casual approach to work. How should he resolve this difference in attitude?
  • No. of working hours increased in an organization and people are not happy about it. What should be done?
  • A person joins a company as a manager based on his interview. Company has a discouraging work culture with younger people arguing with the older lot.
  • The manager adopts a strategy where he punishes his employees. Is he right or wrong?
  • Is it right to argue with old people?
  • For promotion an employee is trained and after 4 months of training he wants to switch.
  • What should the company H.R. do? Discuss the key issues and challenges.
Feedback Personal Interview
Average Duration : 15-20 mins.
No. of Panelists : 3 which included industry professionals too
  • Excerpts From Interview 1 (A 99.12 percentiler fresher with 70%+ in graduation and +2 and 92% in 10th marks, has interest in consumer electronics) : Introduce yourself? What is your hobby? What is the significant trait of this hobby? What is your final year engineering project? What are goods and bads of FDI? Beside gadgets what you do in free time?
  • Excerpts From Interview 2 (A 99 percentiler fresher with consistent 80%+ academics and has interest in microcontrollers and electronics) : Tell us something about yourself? What you know about microcontrollers? Explain as a layman? What are your interests? (Robots) Which company is associated with robotics? (PARI) Tell us something about it? What subject would you take? (Marketing) Sell this water bottle to us?
  • Excerpts From Interview 3 (A 96 percentiler with decreasing trend of marks after 95% in 10th ; 17months work-ex with Infosys as Software Developer) : Infosys is CMMI level 5 company, what is CMMI? What is process involvement? How do you do requirement analysis? Describe it technically? Who is the CM of Jharkhand? What tribes live in Jharkhand? Tell us about your hometown? What are the conditions needed to make a place a National Park? What extra things you do as a B. Tech. in your work?
  • Excerpts From Interview 4 (A 93 percentiler fresher with consistent academics around 70%) : Introduce yourself? Why is Kurukshetra famous? (Hockey and Mahabharata) Name some Hockey players from Kurukshetra? Why is hockey not as famous as cricket? What should we do to improve hockey? What is smartphone? What is your major project? (Quad- copter )What motor are you using in your project?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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