Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (2012 - 13)

The selection process at IIM B consists of Essay Writing followed by Personal Interviews.
Feedback - Essay Writing
Average Duration : 10 min to think, 20 min to write
  • Globalization is helping a lot of third world countries. Does it really help the underprivileged people who actually need it?
  • Is education being diluted by increasing number of seats and decreasing the course load?
  • Renewable sources of energy.
  • Are shortages artificially created in India? Surplus production and still people starve! Lot of graduates but a lot of workforce shortage!
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration : 15-20 mins.
No. of Panelists : 3
They had the SOP open in front of them. They even asked word meanings from the SOP to some people.
  • Excerpts From Interview 1: (A 99.97 CAT percentiler having 10th -92.6%, 12th- 89.4% and B. Tech. ECE -78.64% and comes from a reputed Govt. Engineering College and likes reading). Doing an MBA without work experience is a waste of time? Why don't you return to the society the subsidy you have received on your education and then come to IIM? What does this word consummate mean that you have used in your answer? (From SOP) Which books have you read? Tell us about Robert Ludlum, Ayn Rand and Dan Brown.
  • Excerpts From Interview 2: (A 99.16 CAT percentiler having 10th -93.8%, 12th- 84.6% and B. Tech. CSE -83.8% and 3 years of work-experience in teaching). Where did you work? Why MBA when you are a good teacher? What is lacking in India's education system? If you are made the education minister what will you do? What is fiscal deficit? What is Archimedes principle? What are bosons? Who is Finance minister of India? What are the implications of budget on a middle income household? Why MBA? What is the Difference between FDI and FII? What are the major news stories doing the rounds these days?
  • Excerpts From Interview 3: (A 99.58 CAT percentiler with 10th -93.1%, 12th -94.2% and B.Tech. CSE – 92.4% and liking for acting). Tell us something about yourself? Why are you here? What you want to do in life, how will MBA help you in this? (on the basis of previous answer)Tell me one leader who has done MBA? What are you good at? 60% of India is into agriculture which contributes 30% to GDP, how will you improve this situation? Name an actor who has done MBA?
  • Excerpts From Interview 4: (A 98.05 CAT percentiler with 10th -95%, 12th -89.8% and B.Com.– 82.72% and is a C.A. and likes making rangoli). Why you want to pursue MBA? Why MBA after CA? What is inflation? What are the measures of inflation? Is inflation good or bad? What is inclusive growth? How can we include lower sections of society in growth? Which colors you use to make rangoli? What different patterns can you draw? Where have you drawn Rangoli?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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