Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (2010 - 11)

The selection process at IIM B consists of Essay Writing followed by a Personal Interview.
Feedback - Essay Writing
Average Duration: 30 mins
  • Smart phones have merged home and workspaces-Does it increase productivity or stress?
  • Priority of MC is to provide clean water and sanitation
  • Sportsmen should not endorse too many brands
  • Education degree should come with an expiry date
  • Democracy made a glorious comeback as the catchword of the revolution
Average Duration: 10-12 mins
No. of Panelists: 3
  • Excerpts From Interview 1: What is the full form of NREGA? Discussion on NREGA? Your strengths?(candidate's reply - To motivate people) Quote an instance where you motivated people? Tell how you will motivate your employees to work for long hours without payment for those extra hours? What are the causes for the increase in the prices of onion? Asked questions related to engineering. The revolution in Kashmir and that in the Middle East. Is there any connection? India belongs to which part of Asia? Name a few countries in central Asia. Which five year plan is running right now?
  • Excerpts From Interview 2: Tell me about yourself. What is the meaning of your name? According to you what went wrong in Antariksh deal? Why don't you work first then go for MBA? Do you know who is OP JINDAL? What do you mean by social entrepreneur? Give your views about 2G scam. What are your plans after MBA? Do you think budget is a fair deal? If given a chance to prepare a budget what changes will you make? What is the difference between the nature and the behavior of the person? What is the difference between 2G and 3G? What is CAG?
  • Excerpts From Interview 3: Tell us something about yourself. When was battle of Haldighati fought? Who was Maharaja Partap Singh? Your hobbies? (said Bhangra)You do Bhangra or just like watching it? What is Malvayi Gidda? Give SEBI guidelines for a small investor (commerce student) Calculate income tax of this question. How do you record sundry allowances in accounts? Tell something about Nokia and Microsoft mergers. What is the demand of Telangana for? What is wrong with the situation there?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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