SIBM Pune (2020-2021)

The selection process at SIBM Pune consists of a Group Exercise and Written Ability Test (WAT), followed by a Personal Interview.
Feedback – Group Exercise
No. of participants: 5-7
Each candidate was shown different set of 4 pictures/slides. Each picture is of 200 pts and each sentence is of 100 pts. Each of the candidate has 600 points budget. Now, the candidate has to use these 600 pts by choosing some pictures and sentences so that he/she could form a coherent story. The candidates were given 2 minutes to think, then 45 seconds individually to present their view. Thereafter, 7 minutes were given to the group to discuss and come up with a common budget allocation of those 600 points and the last 2 minutes for the conclusion. They had to work as a team and form a story out of their chosen pictures.
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Feedback - WAT
Duration: 12 minutes
1) You are sent back to stone age.
2) Change is inevitable, if you want to grow
Feedback - Personal Interview
Duration: 12-15 minutes
No. of Panelists: 2 and 1 coordinator
Excerpt from Interview 1
Candidate Profile: B. Tech in Electrical Engineering, Fresher.
Extempore topic:- I am the owner of a small restaurant. My head chef comes with two offers. One is we have 3-4 special dishes and appoint chefs who are master in them. Another one is we provide a generalized menu and then hire chefs accordingly. (Candidate was given 45 seconds to think, 1 minute to present).
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Questions: What other things you will do? If you decrease price and increase quality very high, won’t you be facing losses since it is a small restaurant? When did you complete your graduation? what did you do further? Did you get any job? the reason for not securing a job?
Questions Asked about extempore answers. The candidate was given 2 choices- 1) A job in high-paying company but in an isolated area of Nagaland.  2) A moderate salary job but in your hometown. Which one would you select and why?
Excerpt from Interview 2
Candidate’s Profile: Bachelors in Computer Engineering, Work Ex- 2 years in HSBC
Questions: Introduce yourself? What is the HSBC tagline? How does the company do justice to it? Why do all silicon valley companies file for taxes in Europe? Is it unethical on their part? What is the Symbiosis’ tagline? What does the logo look like?
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