Xavier Inst. of Mgt., Bhubaneswar

The process of selection at XIMB consists of Group Discussions, WAT followed by Personal Interviews.
Feedback- Group Discussion
Average Duration: 9 mins.
No. of Panelists: 3
No. of Participants: 8-14
(1 min. to think, 8 min. to speak, 1 min. to write)
  • Should values preferred over success? (1 min. to think)
  • More oil is needed than vinegar to make a salad (2 min. to write a summary)
  • Are computers helping humans.
  • The sky is blue.
  • Non violence necessary for development of nation? (write 1 or 2 paragraph of 200 words)
Feedback- Personal Interview
Average Duration: 10-15
No. of Panelists: 3
  • Excerpts from Interview1:  (A 93.54% in CAT with 3.5 years experience as a civil engineer CGPA 6.7, 10th – 84%, 12th – 73.4%). What other calls do you have? How would you rate XIMB compared to other? What is your Parents profession? Do you have any siblings? Any prior work experience? What is your job? Work challenges? What is data fragmentation in SAP? What is a data warehouse? State what do you like about Interim Budget? Difference between planned and non-planned expenditure?
  • Excerpts from Interview 2: (A 95.32%iler in CAT with 211 score in NMAT with profile as 72.7% in ECE, 69.2% in 12th and 85.2 in 10th). Difference between dependence & overdependence. 2G, 3G, 4G auctions, antennas, semiconductors. Difference between microcontroller and microprocessor (in Electronic and Electrical circuit). What is the Telangana issue?
  • Excerpts from Interview 3: (A 94%iler in XAT and NMAT score 194 with 74.34% in B.Com (Economics honours), 90% in 12th and 88.6% in 10th). Introduce yourself in 45 seconds? Why XIMB? Why not work experience between MBA? What is GDP? State Inflation what do you mean? Are Subsidies good for inflation?
  • Excerpts from Interview 4: (A 98.49%iler in XAT with B.Tech background and 3 years of work experience in Infosys. ERP System, Oracle with academic profile as 78% in Graduation, 86% in 12th and 91% in 10th). Profile based - %ages dropping consistently. Where do you work? Describe your job profile? Labour Union – Case – people are on strike for a pay raise. Why have you not worked in core electronics and communication?
  • Excerpts from Interview 5: (A 95.8%iler in XAT with B.Tech (CSE) and work experience of 9 months with academic profile as CGPA 6.87 in Graduation, 84.8% in 12th and 90.2% in 10th). Who is the architect of Chandigarh? What is so unique about arrangements of sectors? What does your Surname mean?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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