Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development, Pune(2017-18)

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The process of selection at SCMHRD consists of a Group Discussion on the basis of a video shown, Group Discussion on case study followed by Personal Interviews.

Feedback - WAT
Duration : 30 minute
One or two topics were given to each candidate
  • Should everyone turn vegetarian? Write 5 points for and 5 against the topic, and end with a "crisp" conclusion.
  • An abstract topic- two pictures shown: one of a pencil with the subtitle “words kill war" and the second picture was of an partially closed eye with a picture of something like a bolt closing it.
  • Is technology killing creativity?
  • A picture showing Nature in the form of a face and a pistol pointing at it.
  • “Dictatorship is the way ahead”. Write 5 points in favour and 5 against the topic and conclude it.
  • Social media is killing the reading habits.
  • Violent video games make youth violent. Write 5 points in favour and 5 against the topic and conclude it.
  • Whatsapp, Facebook and Twitter are ruining journalism. Write 5 points in favour and 5 against the topic and conclude it with a 100-words summary.
  • Should companies consider the social media profiles of prospective employees? 5 points to be written for and 5 points against. In the end you have to write your view and conclusion.
  • Three images were given and you have to connect the three images and write about them. First image had a tree with book kept under it, second image was an illuminated bulb and the third image had just the word GOOGLE written.
(250 words were to be written for picture-based topics.)
Feedback - Group Exercise
One or two group exercises were conducted for each candidate, 5-7 candidates in each group
  • Design a social networking site that has brand new features which are not being used by the current ones.
  • Pitch an idea to the panel. We are a start-up trying to build an underwater city.
  • XYZ college has completed 25 years. Decide upon the events to be conducted for celebration of the same.
  • A case study was given and asked to discuss on the basis of operations, finance and HR.
  • A newspaper is facing problems in generating revenue because of the electronic media and there is no support from politicians. Only loyal readers read it. It is not able to attract advertisers. Suggest what can it do to gain readers.
  • Make a political party. (Different designations provided with eminent sports personalities)
  • Design a game for visually impaired children. Discuss and come up with the name, type of sport and all the equipments needed for the game. Charts and markers were provided. Using these tools, either explain the game or present them via act.
Feedback - Group Discussion
Duration : 2 minutes time to think and 10-20 minutes for discussion
No. of Participants : 5-6
One or two topics given to each group
  • Are nuclear families a blessing in disguise?
  • Are men compromising their careers for family?
  • A gaming company plans to revive an old video game. Devise a strategy to market the game.
  • Case-based situation: The candidates were asked to suggest methods to improve the situation of road traffic using any policies or laws and with unlimited resources.
  • The candidates were given chart paper and sketch pens, and a board on which they were allowed to draw. They were told to make use of it, if they wanted.
  • Primetime media discussions are propagating intolerance.
  • Should advertising targeting children be banned?
  • If everyone agrees on a point, will it be an ideal situation or a suffering?
  • Artificial Intelligence is taking over human workforce.
  • Suggest 5 Green initiatives as a group for a company’s ‘go green’ mission.
  • Working from home causes depression.
  • Smart phones should be banned in educational institutions.
  • Is India over employed or overqualified?
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Feedback - Personal Interview
No. of panelists : 2
Excerpts from Interview 1 :
A case based problem given to solve. The case - "You are the head of a potato chip manufacturing company, you offer a free toy with each pack, with a message clearly mentioning that the toy is meant for kids of over 1 year of age. A 6-month old child chokes on such a toy and dies. Will you issue a public apology or stay quiet?"
Excerpts from Interview 2 :
Candidate Profile : Fresher
Given a problem scenario: “Your company plans to venture into a new technology. And there's a vendor who is supplying you the product but with the old technology since a decade. He is saying that he'll make them using the new technology but you are not really sure about it. There is a new vendor using the new technology. And you don't know anything about it. Whom will you choose? Justify.”
Why do you want to pursue MBA? You are a fresher. Why didn't you take up a job? Any failure that you faced and how did you overcome it?
Excerpts from Interview 3 :
Candidate Profile: B. Tech (CSE), work ex
Tell us something about yourself. (The candidate mentioned playing table tennis and watching TED talks as her hobby) When did you start playing table tennis? And why do you like this game so much? What was the last TED talk you watched and how has it impacted you? So, how do great leaders inspire action? And what according to you differentiates them from the rest? So how will you inspire us? When you leave this room, how would you like us to remember you?
(The panel handed a piece of paper to the candidate) So this is a case. You have to read it and suggest your course of action.)
The case: It was about an employee. He finds out that his boss is doing something wrong. You have tried talking to him but he didn't listen to you. So, what will be your course of action?
So you suggested that you will take the entire team and approach a person. Won't your boss get very angry about that? How will you feel if some 10 people approach you and tell you that you are wrong? Have you heard the phrase "Boss is always right"? So, according to you, the customer is always right? You have Sanskrit scholarship for two consecutive years. Can you recite a Sanskrit shloka for us? When you walk out of this room, tell us why should we feel, this is the candidate who has to be selected?
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