Symbiosis Institute of International Business, Pune(2017-18)

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The selection process at SIIB Pune consists of a Group Discussion, Written Ability Test followed by a Personal Interview.
Feedback- WAT
Duration : 10-20 minutes
You have to write 10-15 lines after seeing a picture. The pictures depicted the following topics.
  • Four old people crossing roads
  • Street photo
  • Two old people
  • Cleanliness in India
Feedback- Group Discussion
There were 15 candidates in a group and separate time was given for discussion and then for summary.
Duration : 10-20 minutes
GD topics:
  • Ever increasing pollution- whom to blame?
  • Work-life balance and need for spirituality
  • Digital India
  • Social Media- boon or bane?
  • Is nuclear technology a boon or bane for mankind?
  • India’s performance in Olympics
Feedback- Personal Interview
Average Duration : 10-15 mins
No. of Panelists : 3
Excerpts from Interview 1 -
Candidate Profile : Fresher, Graduate in agricultural engineering
Introduce yourself. What have you done in your graduation? How can technology be implemented in Agriculture? Do you own farms? What kind of crops do you grow in your farms? (Agriculture-based questions from academic subjects) Why do you want to go for MBA in agriculture? Why don’t you want to go for any other specialization?
Excerpts from Interview 2 -
Candidate Profile : Working as Software Developer in USD Global
Introduce yourself. Who is the CM of your state? What is your profile and role in your company? Which project are you currently working on? What affect will automation have on the IT sector? Companies like Nokia and Kodak were on the top of the market a decade ago, then what happened now? What is the reason for this downfall? As a business head, how will you handle such a situation? Why do you want to do MBA?
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Excerpts from Interview 3 -
Candidate Profile : 3 years of work experience at ICICI Bank in Trade Finance
You seem to be doing well in your job, why MBA now? Tell me a situation when you had a conflict with the values/practices of your organization. How often are you able to meet customers’ expectations? Why is the pricing of trade finance products different for different customers? Isn’t it unethical? What have you done to improve your team’s performance? Why do you want to return to Banking after your MBA? What are your views about recent Salman Rushdie row?
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