Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi

The process of selection at LBS consists of Group Discussion followed by Personal Interview.
Feedback - Group Discussion
Average Duration : 12-15 mins.
No. of Panelists : 4
No. of Participants : 14
  • 100% privatization - good or bad?
  • Indian Education System is outdated, it needs restructuring.
  • Technology is helping man.
  • United we stand and divided we fall. Discuss w.r.t. India and its neighboring countries.
  • 20 years of liberalization has pushed India to pre 1991 era
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration :  12-14mins.
No. of Panelists : 4
  • Excerpts From Interview 1 (A 92 percentiler B. Tech. CSE graduate with a downward, then upward trend in marks and 6 months of work-ex as a Junior Programmer) : Which IT subject do you want to add to the MBA course curriculum? Introduce yourself? Why MBA?Why don't you go for M.Tech.? Where do you see yourself 5, 10 and 15 years from now? Tell us about your best friend?
  • Excerpts From Interview 2 (A 96 percentiler B. Tech. CSE graduate with 64% in 10th, 52% in 12th and 63 % in graduation and no work-ex) : Speak on your hair style for a minute. Why MBA? Are you placed? What do you prefer- theory or practicals? Difference between HTTP and HTTPS? What is the unit of data transfer? Why are you so careless about your studies? What are the different types of taxes? Who is the owner of facebook? What is cloud computing? What is GDP, per capita income? Which country has the highest per capita income?
  • Excerpts From Interview 3 (A 93.4 percentiler graduate with falling academics and no work-ex Why don't you join the job you had been offered?) : Compare your telecom job with MBA job? What is pressure? What is force? Tell us about the latest ISRO scam? What advice will you give to finance minister for the development of our country? Tell us about NAREGA, Food security bill?
  • Excerpts From Interview 4 (A 92.5 percentiler B.Com. graduate with good academics, all above 80% and no work-ex; interested in movies) : Who is your role model and why? Tell us about your father? Which movie did you watch recently? Tell us about the movie? Why MBA? What can you contribute to LBS? What is your daily schedule? Have you participated in extracurricular activities?
  • Excerpts From Interview 5 (A 92.5 percentiler B.Tech. CSE graduate with fall in academics and 4 months of work-ex in a Chandigarh located IT company; photography as a hobby) : What was your role in the organization? Why did you leave the job? What are you doing these days? What is cloud computing? What is the role of Steve Jobs in Apple? Which is your favorite subject? Which programming language do you know? What are your hobbies? Speak something on Photography for a minute?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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