Jims New Delhi

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The process of selection at JIMS, New Delhi consists of Group Discussion followed by Personal Interview.
Feedback- Group Discussion
Average Duration : 15 min.
No. of Panelists : 2
No. of Participants : 7
  • Maggie should be allowed or banned in the market?
  • Doping in Sports.
  • Public values are deteriorating, and should be blamed on media.
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration : 30-35 minutes
No. of Panelists : 2
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  • Excerpts from Interview 1 : Tell us about yourself. Tell us about the production facilities of Maruti. What was the issue in Gujarat plant? What is wiring harness? What type of design do you like? Which is safer, a heavy car or lighter car? Which is more healthy, short height or low height man? Tell something about Volkswagen diesel scandal. What is your view on Sharapova drug abuse case? Who do you like more-Rafael Nadal or Roger Federer?
  • Excerpts from Interview 2 : Tell me something about yourself. Why JIMS? Why MBA? What are your hobbies and what do you do in your free time? Tell us anything special you did apart from your work in Dell? What is a better technique than ABC analysis? Why is FSN better? Tell us which Gujarati movie you have seen recently and describe its plot. Who is favorite novelist? Did you read Godhan? Can you sing a Gujarati song? You don’t sound like a Gujarati when you speak? Why is it so? Why is Trump in the headlines?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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