Fore School of Management, Delhi

The process of selection at FSM consists of Group Discussions followed by Personal Interviews.
Feedback - Group Discussion
Average Duration : 15 minutes
No. of Panelists : 3
  • Why MBA?
  • SEZ-Boon or Bane
  • It was a simple case study
  • Is it rat race to do MBA?
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration : 10-12 minutes
No. of Panelists : 3
  • Excerpts From Interview 1 : Questions primarily asked on academics.Questions asked on accounting but those were basic.Questions on flow of money and on financial institutions.Questions also asked on stock market.
  • Excerpts From Interview 2 : Primarily questions based on academics (favorite subjects). Questions on economics such as what inflation is, what equimarginal utility is, and what macro economics is.Few questions asked on hobbies and interests.Questions on general knowledge.Questions related to Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.
  • Excerpts From Interview 3 : No. of questions on sports and followed with questions on strengths and weaknesses. Describe yourself. Questions based on extra curriculars. Why don't you plan a future in sports?
  • Excerpts From Interview 4 : Introduce yourself.Why do you want to pursue MBA? What are your hobbies and interests? List 5 qualities that are the vital to be a good manager. Define Leadership.
Overall Feedback - PI
Most of the questions were basic in nature and it was a general HR interview.Though questions were asked on Academics,more focus was laid on the extracurricular activities.
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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