Xavier Institute of Social Service , Ranchi

The process of selection at XISS consists of a Group discussion and a Personal interview.
Feedback - Group Discussion
Average Duration : 10 mins.
No. of Participants: 10-12
  • Smart work vs. hard work
  • Naxalism vs. terrorism: which is a bigger threat to the country?
  • Empowerment alone can help our women.
  • Are B-Schools perceived as placement agencies?
  • Leaders are born not made.
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration : 15-20 mins.
No. of Panelists : 3
  • Excerpts From Interview 1: (An M.A. English student having 10th -79%, 12th- 76.6% and B.Com. honors- 62.1%). Why MBA after masters? To which other colleges have you applied for? Which one will you opt for? What did you study in B.com honors? What is the difference between business online and commerce online? Define alliteration, metaphor and allegory. Why have you done M.A. in English? How can you connect M.A. English and MBA? How important is your family to you? How do you define family relations? What do you know about the primary sector of India? What is its contribution to the GDP?
  • Excerpts From Interview 2: (An M.A. student having 10th -86.8%, 12th- 66.2% and B.A.- 71.04%). How was your GD performance? Why were you not able to speak in the GD.? So this means you can be easily suppressed if you are not given a chance. So you said you love psychology, so why M.B.A? How will M.B.A help if you want to do research in psychology? What is the difference between psychotherapist and psychiatrist? So how will I know if I have to see a psychologist or a psychiatrist? What is the scope of psychotherapy in India? Don't you think that people still fear going to psychologist in India? Why is the situation so different from west? Suppose you are in a company where people have different motivational levels, how will you improve bring everybody on to the same good motivational levels?
  • Excerpts From Interview 3: (A B.Tech. student having 10th -88.6%, 12th- 81% and B.Tech. CSE- 61.04%). Tell me about yourself. Why MBA? What did you do in your academic gap year? Why did your marks dipped in Engineering? Why you don't go for M.Tech? Why are you interested in finance? What is GDP and how does inflation affect it? What is current dollar- rupee conversion rate? How is that affected? What are your views on Indian economy? Give me some details on imports and exports of India? What all does India imports? How does Oil and Gold prices fluctuation impact import and export?
  • Excerpts From Interview 4: (A B. Tech. student having 10th -71.4%, 12th- 65.6% and B.Com – 64.5%). Introduce yourself? Why MBA? Why goodwill is called a fixed asset? What is the main difference between current assets and intangible assets? Do you have any banking knowledge? What is repo rate and reverse repo rate and what will be the effect of increasing SLR? What do you know about the latest chopper scam? What will you offer to country by doing MBA? Tell us about yourself. Which newspaper you read? Tell us about Sikhism? How far is Andaman and Nicobar islands from Chandigarh?
If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, feel free to post it in the discussion box given below.
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