Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (2017 - 18)

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The process of selection at VGSoM, IIT Kharagpur consists of Written Analysis Test (WAT) followed by Personal Interview.
Feedback- Written Analysis Test 
 (Write for and against on around 3/4th of a paper)
  • Digital India is not for every Indian
  • Traditional banking is safer than internet banking
Feedback - Personal Interview
Average Duration: 10-15 minutes
No. of Panelists: 3
Excerpt from Interview 1-
Candidate Profile: B.Tech (Mechanical) with work experience
Tell me about yourself from schooling. Tell us about your project. What did you do after July 2017? Any specialization you have in mind? What do you want to do in the next 5 years? Today there is more uncertainty in world of IT mostly for mid level executives. Then why do you want leave role of developer and join as manager? Tell me about your transition from Mechanical to IT after graduation? Why can't you get the same role in Wipro? (The candidate works at Wipro) Why VGSoM?
Excerpt from Interview 2-
Candidate Profile: B.Tech (CSE) with work experience
Introduce yourself in brief. What are your hobbies? (The candidate mentioned sketching, cycling and watching movies) Which is the recent movie you saw? What else do you get from movies other than entertainment? Which movie inspired you? And why? Would you leave your job to pursue your passion for sketching? Which area do you want to go for after MBA? What is business analytics? What is the difference between business analyst and business analytics? What solution would you have to sort out the problem of finding interview place? How would you do this for all?
IIM C/IIT Kharagpur/ISI Kolkata PGDBA Interview experience-
Candidate Profile: B.Tech (Production and Industrial Engineering) with work experience
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Tell me something about yourself. What kind of work you do? So you work on behalf of government or other stakeholder? So what do you do? Form - filling? Does it involve any statistics? What all Maths courses have you done? So, in numerical methods, do you know Newton’s forward difference and backward difference formula for interpolation? What have you studied in Numerical Methods? What is Simpson rule? Is there any error term? You said you have done statistics? Who taught you? You studied at IIT Delhi, right? What all things have you studied? What is Z-test? Why do we do Z-test? Can you write it down? Why do we have null hypothesis as always something specific and not like alternate? Do you know when this State was formed? (The State to which the candidate belonged to)
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