Symbiosis Institute of Digital & Telecom Management (2021-22)

Symbiosis Institute of Digital & Telecom Management (SIDTM), previously called SITM, pioneers education in telecom management. Associated with Symbiosis International University (SIU), SIDTM ranks among the top 50 B-schools in India. It offers MBA (Digital and Telecom Management) with dual specialisations, namely Marketing and Finance, Systems and Finance, and Analytics and Finance. In the first stage of MBA admissions, SIDTM shortlists candidates based on their SNAP scores. The final admissions are determined by the candidate’s performance in subsequent screening rounds.
Selection Process
MBA ’22 admissions at SIDTM followed the given sequence:
  • Shortlisting (based on SNAP score)
  • Writing Ability Test (WAT)
  • Group Exercise (GE)
  • Personal Interview
WAT Topics
In this round, the candidate was asked to choose a topic to write on, among the given 2-3 options. The word limit for the essay was 500 words, and it had to be completed in 20 minutes. Listed below are some of the topics given during admissions 2022:
  • Should yoga be made compulsory in school?
  • Women empowerment is just a slogan
  • Technology is destroying human relationships
  • Are Indian cities ready to be a smart city?
  • Technology will create more job opportunities
  • Indian Political System needs reforms
  • Do actors/actresses deserve Bharat Ratna?
  • Indian Economy will soon overtake the Chinese Economy.
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GE Topics
This was essentially a group discussion round, where the candidates were divided into groups of 10-11. Each group was given two topicsto choose from, and there were two panellists to coordinate the GE. Every group had one minute to think, then each person had 1-2 minutes to speak individually, and the discussion went on for almost10-15 minutes. In some groups, every candidate had to state a conclusion in about 30 seconds. Here are some of the topics that were given for GE:
  • Night owls v/s early birds
  • Do social media influencers have an impact on youth?
  • Should social media be banned in workplaces?
  • E-commerce v/s traditional retail shops
  • What is the need of the hour -more jobs or more entrepreneurs?
  • Is globalisation a threat to Indian culture?
  • Movies encourage socials Evils
  • Should the wealthy in India be taxed more?
Interview Experiences
A panel of 2-3 interviewers asked the candidates about their personality traits, goals, preferences, academics, experiences, etc. The interviews were heavily focused on checking the academic knowledge and general awareness of the candidates. The average duration of the interviews was 10-15 minutes per candidate. Here are some of the experiences shared by candidates interviewed during MBA admissions 2022:
Interview 1:
Background:Work Ex of two years at TCS
SNAP Percentile: 78
  • Tell me about yourself.
  • What was your role at TCS?
  • How will you manage your time?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • Are you aware of the latest news?
The candidate was also asked questions about dot net, insurance companies, and international affairs.
Interview 2:
Background:Experienced candidate
  • So, what have you done in graduation?
  • Do you know about the recent trending news?
  • Who is the CM of your State?
  • Tell us about your work profile.
The candidate received many questions related to theirgraduationsubjects and work experience.
Interview 3:
Background:B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering), Experienced
  • Tell us about yourself in 30 seconds.
  • Why this one-year gap in your education?
  • Why do you have so less score in graduation?
  • You did your bachelor's in which field?
  • Tell me the unit of weight.
  • Tell me the unit of mass.
  • What is Newton's First Law of Motion?
  • What is specific heat? What is latent heat?
  • What is AI?How is AI used?
  • What is robotics?How are robots used? Why are they used?
  • Why MBA in DTM?
  • Tell us your views about family values.What are these values to you?
  • Tell us your opinion about the ongoingRussia-Ukraine war.
  • What are your views about China invading India in a similar fashion? (Connected with the 2020 Galwan Valley incident)
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Interview 4:
Background:B.Com + MA (Economics)
  • Tell me about yourself.
  • I see you have several achievements listed in your form. Can you summarise them in bullet points?
  • If you are so passionate about painting, why not pursuea career in art?Define passion.
  • Won’t it be a waste of timeto do an MBA, when you can become an entrepreneur?
  • Why MBA and not other fields? Why digital?
  • What are your qualifications?
  • What is Keynesian Theory of Economics?
  • Are stocks a part of Debt Capital or Equity Capital?
  • What is Amortisation?
  • What is Depreciation?
  • Can Equity Capital be more than Authorised Capital?
The candidate was also asked about Accounting Ratios, EPS, Capital Structure, Working Capital (Net/Gross), and similar other terms.
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