Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship (2019 - 20)

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The process of selection at XIME consists of Written Ability Test (WAT), Group Discussion followed by Personal Interview. It may also include an extempore.
Feedback - Group Discussion & WAT
Same topic is given for GD and WAT.
Duration: 8-9 minutes for GD, 5-7 minutes for WAT
No. of Participants: 12
  • Social media causes more harm than good to youth.
  • Fake news v/s Paid news
  • Work Ethic: Will India ever match upto China?
  • Public Sector is dragging the Indian Economy.
  • MBA: just a hype or real?
Feedback - Personal Interview
Duration: 10-20 minutes
Excerpt from Interview 1-
Candidate Profile: Fresher
Introduce yourself. So, what subjects did you study in graduation? Name a few. (specific questions asked from academic subjects) Why do you want to do MBA? So, which specialization do you prefer? Don’t you think it is important to have listening skills for marketing? What are your hobbies and interests? Tell us about your strengths and weaknesses. So, how will you overcome these weaknesses?
Excerpt from Interview 2-
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Candidate Profile: Work Experience of few months
Tell us about yourself. What is your work profile? So, how did you contribute? (more questions on work experience) You are already working as a consultant and want to work as a consultant after MBA too, then, what is the need of MBA? Can you not switch to management consulting after working in Technology Consulting? Do you have any questions for us?
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